Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Someday Is Here!

- by Rev. Lucinda Schersing

Many years ago I met a young woman that had a lovely gray horse named Someday's Here. It struck me as a rather odd name for a horse and being ever curious I just had to ask her why the name "Someday's Here".

She told me that when she was very young she was bitten by the 'horse' bug and would always say, "Someday I will have a horse". All of her chore and allowance money went into her horse fund. When a young gray horse came along her funds were enough to purchase him. Her "Someday" was here.

Isn't that really the way we all operate? We set a goal and work toward achieving it. However, there is a third part of the formula for achieving our goal: that of recognizing the opportunity that is waiting for us.

Sometimes the goal or result comes in disguise. It may appear to be something from which we would ordinarily walk away. This is when it becomes a matter of recognizing that it is a gift-in-waiting.

How do we 'know' that it is what we've asked for? Very good question! Everyday we make snap decisions. One excellent example is when we are driving. We are constantly making snap decisions. However, we gain enough experience and enough knowledge to make an informed decision on the proper course of action.

If the previously mentioned young lady had not recognized the potential of a grown horse in the gangly-legged youngster she bought her "someday" would never have come. She took a chance based on knowledge with her ideal goal in mind and ended up with a beautiful horse.

Will you always be looking for your "Someday"? Or will you be ready to recognize and act when your "Someday Is Here"?

About the author:

Rev. Lucinda Schersing is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master that believes wholeheartedly in the basic Precepts of Reiki and the many meanings of the phrase, "We Are All Related". You may read more of her articles by visiting her website

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