Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Do Overs!

- by Rev. Lucinda Schersing

Each one of us has a very special bank account that receives a daily deposit of 86,400. No, not money, something more valuable -- time. Time to make a difference in our lives and the world in which we live.

Each time we get annoyed or angry with either ourselves or with another person or situation and hold a grudge a withdrawal is made from this account. We waste those precious seconds being angry or annoyed when we could have spent those seconds in laughter and joy.

Remember when you were small and you played a game and something didn't go quite happen the way you had planned? Maybe it was while playing hopscotch and the stone went way out of bounds. Or maybe it was that time in the bowling alley that you were on your back swing and dropped your ball behind you. (Well, ok, so maybe I really wasn't all that young when I did that.) What was the first thing you said? "Do Overs!" and you waved your hands in the air as though erasing something from the air. It cancelled out your mistake and you got another free try.

What ever happened to this magic eraser? Did we lose it or did it simply fade away with time?

Every day is full of potential to make a mistake. When did we start to think that every mistake, however minor in the grand scheme of things, is such a serious matter?

We start to carry around the fear that we just might indeed make a mistake and that it will affect our career and whole life. We have set the stage for lying, pointing fingers and shifting blame. We blow everything out of proportion with imagined dire consequences. The tragedy of this is that we begin to believe that it is true.

Spiritually speaking, it is when we allow thoughts of fear and anger to influence our lives to the degree that it is impossible to focus upon the opposite feelings that we become trapped within a narrow little world of our own making.

We become what we focus our thoughts upon. Remember, tomorrow you will again have a deposit of 86,400 chances at "Do Overs" in your special account. However, the time is always appropriate to find that magic eraser and say, "Do Overs"! Right here. Right now.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Be Peace. Be Joy. Be Love. Be a Blessing and return Be Blessed.

Rev. Lucinda Schersing

About the author:

Rev. Lucinda Schersing is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master. She believes wholeheartedly in the Basic Precepts and in the many levels to the meaning of "We Are All Related". You may visit her website at:

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