Thursday, March 31, 2005

More Alike Than We Seem

Embracing Your Gender Opposite

Woman or man, each human being is whole. We are all a compendium of many different forms of energy that interact to create a balanced person. To be human, therefore, is to be both gender specific (man or woman) and gender complemented (masculine and feminine). It may sound strange to say that in every person there exists both female and male aspects, but these aspects are tightly interwoven within each of us and learning to access these aspects can help you understand parts of yourself that were previously hidden by a lack of knowledge. Denying this unique polarity can lead to feelings of frustration and confusion, while embracing your gender opposite can bring about a sense of harmony and peace within your soul, a completeness.

It may seem natural to say that in women, the female aspect is dominant, and in men, the male aspect is dominant, but this isn't always the case, nor is it healthy to attempt to conform to such standards when they don't correspond to who you are. The innate gender aspects will be expressed in many different ways throughout your life. A man may be receptive, nurturing, and empathic in one instance, and analytical and heroic in another. Likewise, a woman may be protective, assertive, and directive, as often as she is intuitive, creative, and mysterious. The male has his female side, just as the female has her male side, and either may be prevalent. Encouraging those aspects to work together through meditation or visualization is one way to honor both the masculine and feminine side of you. You may want to inwardly request that your aspects converse to determine if they are working as mature and bonded partners, or, because of emotional trauma, are working against each other. Though the differences between the male and female aspects create a dynamic tension, it is possible for one aspect to entirely (and unhealthily) overshadow the other.

Some people believe that the soul will be housed in bodies of both sexes during their many incarnations. Part of who we are is based on the interaction between the feminine and masculine aspects, akin to the interplay between the forces of yin and yang. Though, at different times, each of us may feel truly masculine or truly feminine, a well-rounded personality derives from the blending of both qualities.

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Spring is here!

- By Bruno Gideon

Just like clockwork, nature is opening her eyes, stretching, and rolling out of bed to do her annual cleaning chores. Enough of this snow and ice and crusty ground. Time to freshen this place up with some nice grass, flowers, and budding trees. We’re part of Nature, too, so what’s to keep us from joining spring in this seasonal task? Out with hurtful emotions, resentments, and negative thoughts and in with a sunny smile and an optimistic attitude about the days to come.

Spring in the world!
And everything made new!
– Richard Hovey

Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!”
– Robin Williams

All through the howling winds and frigid temperatures of winter, Nature winks at us and tells us: Don’t worry; nothing is permanent – I’ve got something good in store for you. Sure enough, just when it looks like despair is winning out, up pops cheerful spring to make everything new again. If you know someone who is down and "under the weather," why not share this wisdom with them? Help them leave winter behind and begin anew. Could there be any better way to welcome spring?

- Bruno Gideon



Whatever you plant in your subconscious mind and nourish every day with conviction and emotion will one day become a reality.

Constant repetition carries conviction. Repeat something often enough and it will start to become you. A change in what you tell yourself will result in a change in your behavior.

What you impress upon your mind, you'll inevitably become. Self suggestion will make you master of yourself.

©2005 by Max Steingart

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Being Truly Free

Letting Go

There is tremendous freedom in letting go. It is liberation to free ourselves of things that clutter our lives; too many possessions, useless emotions, unhealthy habits, old beliefs, even people that drain our energy. All of these things and more can weigh us down. Every once in awhile it's good to "clean out our closets" literally and figuratively.

Like pruning dead branches or like a snake shedding an old skin, we need to let go of the what no longer serves or what no longer fits, so that there is room for something new, alive, and what is needed at this time in our lives. Yet, we are a possessive society. We often hold on to things, feelings, and relationships out of habit or, many times, out of fear of being without. For so much of learning to let go is about learning to trust. We have to be able to trust that, indeed, new branches will grow, that there is a new skin under the old one. And yet, to the degree that we are willing to let go, we are able to receive. When we stop holding on and clinging to anything, we realize we have everything.

For in reality, we really own nothing. Certainly, we don't own people. Our spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, children are not really "ours." Even if we own the title to our house or car, such possessions can be gone in a moment, taken by a natural disaster, an accident, or financial circumstances. Native Americans could not grasp the European concept of "owning" land, anymore than one can own the sky. For everything belongs to the universe, as even we do. When we allow ourselves to rethink our sense of "ownership," it is easier to let go. We no longer need to feel burdened by the responsibility of having to hold on to something. Rethink the value of a prized book collection, a coveted job, and feelings for an old flame. Perhaps it isn't necessary to physically get rid of something, but letting go of the power that a person, ideology, or material object possesses is truly freeing.

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From Panic to Power:

Proven Techniques to Calm Your Anxieties, Conquer Your Fears, and Put You in Control of Your Life - Book Excerpt: By Lucinda Bassett

Chapter One: All Things Are Possible

Come to the edge, He said.
They said, We are afraid.
Come to the edge, He said.
They came.
He pushed them...
And they flew.

- Guillaume Apollinaire

Here's the good news: you're special. If you are someone who experiences more than the average amount of anxiety, you are full of potential for greatness. Why? Because you probably have above average intelligence. You are highly creative with a fabulous imagination. You are detail-oriented and analytical. These are wonderful traits that can make you extremely successful and enable you to accomplish great things. Unfortunately, people with anxiety disorders tend to use their attributes to scare themselves. They overintellectualize, overanalyze, and use their creativity to envision the worst possible scenarios. Used in a negative way, our wonderful traits can make us sick.

Let's pretend for a moment that you could turn all this anxious energy around and make it work for you instead of against you. Can you imagine how different your life might be? Ask yourself where you might be right now if anxiety and fear weren't holding you back. If anything were possible. What would you do differently if you weren't afraid to fail or to succeed, if you weren't afraid of anxious feelings or being alone? What if you weren't afraid to take chances, to get involved, or even to embarrass yourself a little? Your whole life might be different. You might be living somewhere else or working somewhere else. Possibly you would have different relationships. Or maybe you would be right where you are, but you'd be enjoying it a whole lot more. It's not too late.

-- You are on the verge of change.

* A Call To Freedom *

With this book, you can go to the edge and free yourself from anxiety. You can find freedom and take charge of your life, now and forever. As wonderful as that sounds, I know it also sounds scary. You need to trust yourself and know that you have all the tools necessary to get on the road to recovery and to build a good life for yourself. You just need a good foundation.

When you embark on a learning process that will most assuredly change your life forever, don't you want to learn from someone who has overcome those debilitating fears? When you learn from someone who has done it, you can be reassured and motivated. That's where I come in. I've been there and I've made it out the other side.

For many, many years I made excuses for why my life wasn't going the way I wanted it to. My anxiety was a frightening experience, but at the same time it was also my protection. My constant fears and body symptoms -- feelings of bewilderment, heart palpitations, dizziness -- gave me reasons not to do the things that really scared me, like taking chances, ending unhealthy relationships, standing up for and depending upon myself. I spent many years of my life feeling different from other people. I had scary thoughts about losing control. I often worried that I would
embarrass myself or the people close to me.

I had always considered myself independent. Energetic as a child, creative and fun loving as a teenager, I loved to have fun and do exciting things. Yet, I remember having scary thoughts as young as seven years old. By the age of nine, I had developed an eating disorder. The sight of food made me sick. Secretly, I thought I was dying of some horrible disease. Despite a substantial weight loss, I appeared happy, but I wasn't.

As time passed, the eating problems dissipated and I developed another anxiety-related problem: irritable bowel syndrome. This frustrating problem is common to many people with anxiety disorder. By fourteen, everything in my life revolved around my fear of diarrhea. I made excuses about my comings and goings. My activities were extremely limited. I couldn't enjoy my teenage years.

What happened to me is what happens to so many people. One fear created another. By my sixteenth birthday, a time when I should have been focused on boys and school, I was in a constant state of worry. I remember watching the news and hearing the usual stories about someone jumping out a window or hurting someone else and I would think, "What if I did that?" Of course I didn't tell anyone about my thoughts. There might have been something wrong with me and I didn't want anyone else to think I was strange. By the time I was eighteen, I was experiencing panic attacks regularly, feeling uncomfortable in any situation where I couldn't run if need be. I began making excuses for myself. The simplest things were difficult for me.

One of my most difficult challenges was being in an unhealthy relationship. I knew I should leave, but I was so insecure about being alone, I couldn't end it. It turned out that I didn't have to; he ended it. Once on my own, I moved a few times and changed jobs and, although I was full of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt, I functioned. I somehow managed to stay in my comfort zone, physically and emotionally.

By my early twenties, I wondered if I was losing my mind. Insanity was my biggest fear back then. I remember driving miles out of my way to avoid passing a state Psychiatric hospital, so afraid I might end up there. The interesting thing is that most people didn't notice my strange behavior. Even those closest to me didn't know about my hidden fears. This is typical.

-- When we are in an anxious episode, we think the whole world notices the things we do, yet very few people really do.

Everyone is focused on his own life just as we are.

- Book Excerpt: By Lucinda Bassett



You know what you are today but not what you may be tomorrow. Use your imagination and look at things as they can be.

You can do anything you wish to do, have anything you wish to have, and be anything you wish to be. You don't know what you can really do until you try. All you have to do is to act on your dreams.

You have the power within you to do things you never dreamed possible. You would amaze yourself if you did all the things you're capable of doing. This power becomes available to you as soon as you change some of your beliefs.

Success begins in your mind.

©2005 by Max Steingart

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

This week's eMeditation

- By Vic Johnson

"The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do." – As A Man Thinketh

What James Allen means here is that we won't attempt something unless we have the belief we can accomplish it. He says as much in his book Above Life's Turmoil where he writes, "Belief always precedes action."

Have you ever had a goal that you just couldn't get started on - or you got started on it but you couldn't maintain consistent action towards the goal?

About seven years ago I was living in some very trying times and struggling for some big goals that I'd set for myself. But I just couldn't seem to stay focused and as time passed by and I'd missed a goal, I'd get more frustrated and start over because that's what I thought I was supposed to do. I repeated this cycle several times and I became a basket case of emotion because I couldn't get anywhere.

Wayne Dyer, writing in You'll See It When You Believe It, says, "Your behavior is based upon your feelings, which are based on your thoughts. So the thing to work on is not to change your behavior, but those things inside of your consciousness that we call thoughts. Once your thoughts reflect what you genuinely want to be, the appropriate emotions and the consequent behavior will flow automatically. Believe it, and you will see it!"

As always, it's our thoughts that are in control and we won't have the "will to do" until we have the "belief to do." I've had a lot of success in this area using positive visualization and affirmations. In fact, for one extended period of time I told myself several hundred times a day while thinking about a particular goal, "I can do this and I know I can!" It took me a while, but eventually I had enough belief to go for the goal and achieve it. Even now when confronted with a challenging situation I'm likely to hear myself saying, "I can do this and I know I can!"

How powerful are your thoughts of belief? Dr. Maxwell Maltz said, "Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs."

And that's worth thinking about.

- Vic Johnson

Seat Of The Spirit

The First Chakra

Complete forms of spirituality accept that the body is not simply an empty vessel, but a seat from which the spirit grows. In Vedic texts, the body is interspersed by points of energy known as chakras. The first or root chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is the point of manifestation and is associated with a sense of stability and grounding, courage, loyalty, order, and self preservation. As the first chakra forms a foundation connecting us to life, so is it located at the base of the spine and it is the root and thus associated with the earth. Its primary color is red and its secondary color is black. Your first chakra is a center of balance, which can be an important factor in living energetically, with great awareness, and in prosperity.

An imbalance or weakness in the root chakra can lead to feelings of fear of instability, abandonment, and insecurity, as well as a depletion of vital energy. Yet it also controls sensations of bliss, both physical and mental, and fuels the will to survive, to find safety, and to accumulate material wealth. Because of this, it is often associated with one's choice of profession. When, through various forms of meditation the root chakra begins to open and energize, there is often a sensation of heat in the abdomen or third eye area. You may experience heightened emotions or empathic sensitivity when stimulating the root chakra with the gemstones ruby, garnet, blood stone, or onyx, or the scents of cedar, cypress, patchouli, or frankincense.

Ideally, the energy of your root chakra is a source of health, wealth, and security. It may seem that some of the root chakra's other elements, such as greed and anger, are negative, but all are fundamental to a balanced existence and part of spiritual development. When your first chakra is operating in harmony with your body's other energy centers, you will find yourself acting in the moderation of wisdom and with an eye toward reaching your higher goals.

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Discover Hidden Profits In "Spare Change" Time

– By Jim Edwards

Fact: Take the spare change out of your pocket every night and put it in a child's piggy bank. At the end of a year you will have at least a hundred dollars to spend as you wish.

Now take this same principle and discover the huge payoff in the "spare change" time you've been wasting all these years.

How often do you sit in front of your computer and wait?

Everyone waits for the computer to reboot, restart, unlock, "scandisk," "defrag," finish printing, download a file from the Internet or generally accomplish tasks that have you sitting twiddling your thumbs for at least 60 to 90 seconds or more.

The shocking truth is that those one, two and three minute nuggets of time contain the seeds for accomplishing all the tasks you never seem to have enough minutes in the day to finish.

Computers represent a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they are supposed to save us time by efficiently helping us with big tasks such as balancing our checkbooks, running our businesses, and doing our taxes.

In reality, it seems the time computers save you gets sucked right back up in time-consuming tasks such as installing software, scanning for viruses and waiting for the computer to restart!

Think about the spare change in the piggy bank example. Now use that same principle to your advantage by developing an awareness of how you spend your "pocket change" time in front of the computer every day.

Small bits of wasted time add up quickly over the course of a day, week, year - all of it in 2 to 3 minute increments. Fifteen wasted minutes a day equals well over 1 ½ productive weeks wasted per year!

Take this "one-day challenge."

Today, try these alternatives to sitting and watching the "hourglass" on your monitor while waiting for your computer to finish a task!

~ Organize your desk
~ Sharpen your pencils
~ Make a quick phone call
~ Check your "to-do" list; if you don't have a "to-do" list
make one
~ Write a fast note to a friend
~ Put in a load of laundry
~ Go to the bathroom
~ Get another cup of coffee
~ Pay a bill
~ Catch up your checkbook entries
~ Pick up your office
~ Brainstorm an idea
~ Stand up and stretch
~ Day-dream for about a happy thought for 90 seconds!

Carefully watch how much time you spend in front of the computer waiting for it to do something and then see how many things you can accomplish with that time.

Nothing could reward you more than developing a consciousness about how you spend those spare moments that add up to enough time to write a book, take a trip with your family or take positive actions that will change your life forever.

Use your "spare change" time to accomplish the things you claim you never find time to finish!

About the Author:

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist ( and is the author of several best-selling ebooks.



Truth isn't a matter of your personal viewpoint. Learn to see things as they really are, not as you imagine they are.

Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who says it. No matter what you believe, it never changes the facts. If they are there, the facts always speak for themselves.

The truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of people.
If sixty million people say a foolish thing, it's still a foolish thing.

The sky is no less blue because the blind man does not see it.

©2005 by Max Steingart

Monday, March 28, 2005

Being A Good Friend

Nurturing Healthy Friendships

Of all relationships, friendship can be the most versatile and fulfilling because it is a gift bestowed willingly. Each person who receives your friendship should receive a part of you in the form of caring, concern, happiness, and support. In return, you enjoy the companionship of your friends because they offer comfort, cheer, and a shoulder to cry on. Like any relationship, however, friendship does not simply exist, but must be nurtured and encouraged to grow through actions, words, and reciprocal feelings. The first and most important aspect of being a good friend is treating others with the same respect and kindness with which you wish to be treated. Doing so can be a guide in forging friendships with others.

Being a good friend is easiest and most rewarding when you choose your friendships wisely. Friendships should be built upon a foundation of mutual trust, acceptance, and support. Show them you care, not just using words, but also using actions: Be courteous and kind, honest, and willing to compromise, and shy away from being overly critical. When your friend encounters trouble, support their decision wholeheartedly, but always be willing to tell them when they're about to step onto a dangerous path. In doing so, you will help your friend flourish in their own way, while still being a there for them. Really listen to and share in your friend's triumphs as well as their upsets with patience, kindness, and a sense of humor.

In any strong friendship, conflict will inevitably arise, but be willing to compromise and respect your friend's opinions. If they apologize, accept their apology with grace and forgive them promptly. Try to never hold a grudge, because holding on to negative emotions can put a strain on a friendship. Let your friend be who they are, not who you'd prefer them to be. Friends don't always agree, but it's helpful to keep in mind that it's their enjoyment of each other's company that makes dealing with disagreements worthwhile.

There may be times when you feel ill-equipped to be a good friend, but knowing and admitting this is just another part of a strong friendship. Your friend will understand that you, too, have issues of importance in your life. Developing and maintaining rewarding and lasting friendships is a challenge, but one that yields beautiful results.

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Clarify Your Values

- by Brian Tracy

Decide What You Stand For

What are your values? What do you stand for? What are the organizing principles of your life? What are your core beliefs? What virtues do you aspire to, and hold in high regard when you see them demonstrated by others? What will you not stand for? What would you sacrifice for, suffer for, and even die for? These are extremely important questions that are only asked by about three percent of the population, and that small minority tends to be the movers and shakers in every society.

Write Out Your Key Values

When I first began this values clarification exercise some years ago, I wrote out a list of 163 qualities that I aspired to. I think I eventually came up with every virtue, value or positive descriptive adjective that referred to personality and character in the dictionary. And I agreed with all of them. I felt that they were all important and I wanted to incorporate every single one of them into my character.

Focus on A Few Core Beliefs

But then reality set in. I realized that it is very hard to learn even one new quality, or to change even one thing about myself, let alone dozens of things. So I scaled down my ambitions and began narrowing the values down to a small number that I could manage and work with. Once I had settled on about five core beliefs, I was then able to get to work on myself and start making some progress in character development.

Select Your Five Key Values

You should do the same. You should write down the five values that you feel are the most important for you to live by. Once you have those five values, you then organize them in order of priority. Which is the most important value in your hierarchy of values? Which would be second? Which would be third, and so on?

Learn to Make Better Decisions

Every choice or decision you make is based on your values. Whenever you decide between alternatives, you invariably choose the alternative that you value the most. Because you can only do one thing at a time, everything you do is a demonstration of what you consider to be the most important at that moment. Therefore, organizing your values in an order of priority is the starting point of personal strategic planning. It is only when you are clear about what you value, and in what order, that you are capable of planning and organizing the other activities of your life.

- Brian Tracy



There can be no great courage when there is no confidence or assurance. Half the battle is in the conviction that you can accomplish what you undertake.

Confidence doesn't come out of nowhere. It's the result of constant work and dedication.

With practice you'll come to a point of competence. You'll find yourself accomplishing your goals gracefully and confidently.

It's then that you'll do things that you never dreamed you could do. You'll discover powers you never knew existed. When you're prepared, you're able to feel confident.

©2005 by Max Steingart

Friday, March 25, 2005

Air In Motion

Spirituality Of Wind

Wind is air in motion. Many ancient cultures believed that the wind was a form of divine spirit. Like spirit, the wind is invisible, but it is what animates. The magnifence of the wind resides within each of us.

Wind isn't tangible yet it brings change with its breath. Sometimes these changes are barely perceivable. However, if you look carefully, you can see the wind - it is the swirl in a plume of smoke, it is the ripple across a lake, it is the lackadaisical sway in the branches. Recognize the small developments in yourself. You are growing all the time even when it seems like the wind is still.

A breeze can quickly become a gale, and a storm can swiftly be diffused. So too are you affected by your environment, who you interact with, what you expose yourself to, what you choose to put in your body and your mind. You can choose experiences that will either fuel your spirit or move you off course.

The wind is also a cleanser. It can drift away the hurt and pain with a soft puff of air. But it is also a quick-tempered destroyer; a raging hurricane. Sometimes change feels like an unsettling uproar that dramatically changes the scenery of your life. But as bleak as things feel, know that Wind Spirit is a messenger; movement against stagnation. To fight a gust only creates struggle. It takes time and practice, patience, trust, and faith to embrace the wind for we try to control everything and find answers. But at the end of a bluster lays new potential. Encompass this belief with your mind, hold it in your body and allow yourself to go with the flow. To be carried by the wind is to give things up to a higher power. There is no going wrong for the wind, like spirit, is uplifting and life giving. They are one in the same.

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Success Is a Determined Action Away

- By Max Stein

The foolish with all their other thoughts, have this one too: They are always getting ready to live, but never living. Your success will start when you begin to pursue it. To reach your goal or to attain success, you don't need to know all the answers in advance. You just need to have a clear idea of what your goal is.

Don't procrastinate when faced with a difficult problem. Break your problems into parts, and handle one part at a time. Develop tendencies toward taking action.

You can make something happen now. Break your big plan into small steps and take that first step right away. Everyone who ever got where they are had to begin where they were.

Your big opportunity is where you are right now. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Take it.

- Max Stein



Obstacles don't matter very much. Pain or other circumstances can be there. But, if you want something badly enough, you'll find a way to get it done.

If you're willing to pay the price any of your circumstances will change. If you want something badly enough, you're sure to get it. Reality forms around your commitment to succeed. Your desires will in time externalize themselves into concrete fact.

You only have to love a thing greatly to get it. Desire is the fire of life.

©2005 by Max Steingart

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Safety Energy Locks

Jin Shin Jyutsu

We all engage in the ancient Japanese healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, most probably without even realizing it. Placing fingers to the forehead in concentration, cradling an injured body part, a baby sucking her thumb, such reflexes make use of the concepts of Jin Shin Jyutsu to restore harmony to the body from imbalances due to stress, injury, or illness.

Like most Asian healing modalities, Jin Shin Jyutsu works to harmonize, not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well. The healing art works to bring into balance the twenty-six "safety energy locks" that run through the energy pathway down center of the front of the body and back up the spine. Reading pulses throughout the body, a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner is able to restore balance to the body by unblocking points of stagnant energy. Jin Shin Jyutsu can also be self administered, allowing one to recognize the wisdom of the body and what it needs to heal itself.

The Main Central Vertical Flow is the source of our life energy. Harmonizing the flow regularly helps us feel centered and energized or relaxed, depending on what our body needs. Jin Shin Jyutsu works like "jumper cables" to recharge the "battery of life." For optimum results, do the following exercise daily.

Place the fingers of your right hand on top of your head. Place the fingers of your left hand on your forehead, between the eyebrows, and hold them there for two to five minutes or until the pulses at your fingertips synchronize. Move the fingers on your left hand to the tip of your nose and again hold for two to five minutes or until the pulses synchronize. Next, move the fingers of your left hand to your sternum at the center of your chest and then to the base of your sternum, the center where the ribs start, above your stomach. Stay at each point for two to five minutes or until the pulses synchronize. Move the fingers of the left hand to the top of the pubic bone and again stay there for two to five minutes or until the pulses synchronize. Now, keep your left fingers in place and move your right hand to cover your tailbone, holding for two to five minutes until your fingertips synchronize.

Self healing opens the door to self knowledge. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a simple practice that can be done in a matter of minutes leading to a life time of healing.

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Things I Want My Daughters to Know

A Small Book about the Big Issues in Life
– By Alexandra Stoddard

The work we choose to do each day accumulatively becomes our life's work. The opportunity to do good work stimulates our life force. My life has been shaped, enriched, and transformed by my love of my work. I work for life satisfaction. Through the happiest times in my life, as well as the most painful ones, my work has always sustained me.

The world doesn't owe us anything. We owe everything to the world. Our work is our way of expressing ourselves, of being a cocreator in this dynamic earthly journey we call life. You decide what your work is, and your work may be much larger than your "job." Try to envision the big picture as you move along.

Through our work we give back to the world a portion of what we've been given. Our reward emerges from the work itself. We work to grow, to stretch ourselves, to discover new truths, to deepen, and to serve. We become more aware and more alive when we find work that we believe is important and that we love doing. We transcend ourselves through work that makes us discover more about what we really believe in and what we truly love to do.

Through our work we're given opportunities to reconsider our thinking. In my career as a decorator, I was trained to create formal rooms based on eighteenth-century aesthetics. Through experience and exposure, I realized I enjoyed a more relaxed, informal style for living. It became my mission to help clients create homes that reflected their unique personal style and needs. This mission eventually led to my current career as an author and speaker on living beautifully. Thus our work expands our personal potential; we're rewarded with a greater understanding of what is true for us and what our contributions can be.

Why am I so happy that my work is always available to me? I am self-employed. I am a self-starter. I can prepare a lecture or seminar. I can write. I can decorate or sell art. Whatever I do, I enjoy the process. I am a student of life, of truth. I study the classics in the interstices of the day. I carry a tote bag with me when I travel so I can read, write in notebooks, and continue to learn.

When you find work you love that supports you financially, that is ideal. Hundreds of people have confided in me that when they do work they love -- as a teacher or a librarian, a yoga instructor, a college advisor or a dancer -- they don't need as much money because they are happy. When people are not happy in their work, they have a tendency to want more money because they are unfulfilled by their work.

If you don't love your work, but it puts food on the table and provides for you and your loved ones, this is not ideal; but working to survive is honorable. An actress waits on tables at a restaurant while she auditions for roles. Temporarily, this is fine; you do what you have to do to live. This shouldn't be the case indefinitely, because it can be draining, sapping your vitality and enthusiasm, and selling your soul. This is not your true work; it is a paying job. If you must do this, enrich the rest of your life by seeking out activities that will feed your soul.

What would be ideal work for you? What are you doing to move toward this goal? What if you find work that fulfills your monetary needs and involves you to some degree, but is not wholly satisfying? What then? Try to enjoy fully the parts of it you can and satisfy other interests through volunteering, hobbies, and spending time with your family. Your untapped skills may be put to good use through volunteer work that may enrich you nontangibly.

Stay in touch with your feelings. You can't afford to become bitter because your job isn't what you hoped it would be. Keep striving for work that really fits the big picture. Aim high. A key to a happy, well-lived life is to find work you love that allows you financial independence.

Don't settle forever, or for too long, for work you don't love. You need to aspire to work that makes you thrive, that you're proud of, that is a perfect fit to your talents, gifts, and passionate interests. In order to use our energy constructively, we need to pursue work we love. When we love our work, we will sustain true, inner happiness. Work and love, love and work, become one.

When we love our work, we become energized by it, not enervated. Seek and find work that allows you to give your gifts to the universe as you teach yourself new skills. We shouldn't merely work for a living: we should work to make a life. Work can be what leads us to help our community or our world, and to produce something lasting. For a blessed few, history has shown us, work can bring immortality.

No matter what happens to you, when you love your work, you will maintain your independence and, therefore, your freedom. As an adult, finding work you love is your responsibility and, I believe, your duty. If you find it, it promises to bring harmony to the rest of your life. We're here to develop our gifts, to share them with others in service. The ideal is to find paid work that nourishes you and others. Loving our work is primary to accomplishing this goal.

- Alexandra Stoddard



Sooner or later, you'll experience a crisis in your life, and how you meet it will determine your future happiness and success. Since the beginning of time, everyone has been called upon to meet such a crisis.

A closer look will show you that most "crisis situations" are opportunities to either advance or stay where you are. In fact, most changes in your life will take place out of either "inspiration" or "desperation."

Whatever comes your way, give it meaning and transform it into something of value. Your personal growth is the process of responding positively to change.

A precious stone cannot be polished without friction, nor humanity perfected without trials.

©2005 by Max Steingart

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Sanctify Your Home

Making The Home A Sanctuary

More than just a place to live, a home is a sanctuary, a place of refuge where serenity awaits. As well as a safe, nurturing place for the body, a home is a shrine for the spirit. We do much to make our homes comfortable and tranquil for ourselves and our families. We want to make our home inviting to our friends, as well. We can also reach out beyond our walls to send that tranquility out to the world, which so desperately needs love and compassion. Imagine sending healing energy that can transform lives without even leaving the comfort of your living room.

To create an environment from which to send loving light outward, start by going inward. Take care that your own body is well nurtured physically and spiritually, with prayer, meditation, exercise, and good nutrition. Keeping a clean and tidy house honors the sanctity of your home, but beyond surface cleaning, it's important to cleanse regularly as well. Apply the spiritual principals of feng shui or vatsu to create harmony in every room of your home. Open windows to let in fresh air and sunshine. Clear stagnant energy by smudging with sage or incense, drumming, and/or clapping.

Ask for a blessing on your home through prayer or meditation. In a quiet place, breathe in calmness and center yourself. Begin to focus on a small, golden ball of light in front of your navel. You may cup your hands around the light and feel its warmth spread through your fingers, up your arms, radiating throughout your body. Imagine the ball of light growing in your hands and open your hands to accommodate it. As it continues to grow, stretch your arms out wider until the golden ball overflows, spilling loving light all over the room. Now watch the light spread throughout your house, pouring out the doors and windows to your garden and into your neighborhood. See the light flow like lava until the whole earth is engulfed in a golden glow of peace and love.

Breathe deeply to return to your space, letting the glow continue to radiate loving energy to all. Allow yourself to bask in the light and know that your home is a sanctuary for all who enter and even for those beyond its physical boundaries.

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The Top 10 Ways to Avoid Being the

'Early Worm' in a World of Birds
– By Monty J. Sharp

In our world today, we seem to measure the quality and efficiency of many things by their speed. Computers, microwave ovens, one-hour photo processing, and pain relievers that promise fast, fast relief. We eat fast food. We opt for the 5-minute news digest. We've even changed the spelling of the word quick to kwik - apparently to spell it faster.

Slow is often associated with old, outdated, or aggravating (remember the last time you found yourself behind someone actually driving the speed limit in the left lane?) It seems the only time many of us stop to smell the roses is when we light up the aromatherapy candle we rushed to the mall to buy to help combat our stress.

How then can we stem the ever-quickening pace of our busy lives while still maintaining a healthy balance between where we want to be in life and how fast we are trying to get there? Here are ten things to consider. WARNING: These may take a little time to ponder.

1. Slow down by using the accelerator. You can still make forward progress towards you goals - just quit pushing so hard.

2. Decide what is truly important. Reassess your goals. Don't spend a lifetime working hard and fast for something that won't bring lasting satisfaction.

3. Don't be too rigid. There's a proverb that says Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not get bent out of shape. Lighten up.

4. Take a nap at your lunch break. 15 minutes of shut eye will make a huge difference in how you feel the rest of the day.

5. Be late on purpose. Did the world come to an end? You get the point.

6. Adopt a One shot - One kill mentality. Many times, we use a shotgun approach to accomplishing things - cover a wide area with pellets and hope we get lucky and hit something. Try being more precise and focused in your approach. Be a sharpshooter.

7. Focus on the process and not just on the results. Many of life's most profound lessons are missed when we don't take note of how we got from here to there - especially when we've had to take a few detours along the way. Our inattentiveness often results in repeated mistakes, which take more time to correct.

8. Take some time every day to contemplate life. Pray. Meditate. Think. This alone helps reduce stress, and people who are less stressed are more productive.

9. Regard life as a marathon - not a sprint. I have heard people say, I'd rather burn out than rust out. Doesn't really matter does it? After all, either way, you're out.

10. Give yourself some space. If a solution is not immediately apparent, walk away from the problem and come back later. This will often give you a new perspective which, in turn, will open up new possibilities.

About the Submitter

This piece was originally submitted by Monty J. Sharp, Personal and Business Coach, who can be reached at, or visited on the web at Monty J. Sharp wants you to know: I work with individuals, teams and businesses helping them to find the balance in their life and career.



It's a universal law: You have to give before you get. You must plant your seeds before you reap the harvest. The more you sow, the more you will reap. In giving to others, you will find yourself blessed.

The law works to give you back more then you have sown. The giver's harvest is always full. Those that obtain have little. Those who scatter have much.

Nature does not give to those who will not spend.

©2005 by Max Steingart

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Breathing Through Blockages

Healing With Breathwork

Breathing is the primary tool to get the process of healing work started; plus, it's cheap, it works, and is better than any drug or stimulant. Nonetheless, the breath is not the totality of the work. But it is worth further mentioning here. If anything, it is an active meditation that creates a space in a person's intellect to enable you to work deeply to their core. Breathing allows you to go to the depths of the feelings and into the subconscious.

As the breath stimulates energy in the body, the healer's job is to focus awareness into areas where the person is stuck, generally correlating to areas where their energy is stuck. The breath moves energy to those areas, right against the blocks. The energy from the breathing process raises the vibration by stimulating the hypothalamus gland (crown chakra) and then the body's lower chakras; the hypothalamus releases endorphins, which have a very high vibration. This vibration is an electrical current that moves through the nervous system and hits against the block. The block is usually fear or some sort of resistance stopping the energy flow. The breath keeps pressing energy against the block and this is where things get very intense.

With some people, continuing with the breath pushes energy through the block and they open up; more specifically, they open their hearts as energy turns to Spirit when the healing occurs. Others who are caused discomfort from the breath will try slowing the breath and giving in to the familiarity or comfort of the resistance. Both approaches bring awareness to the body, to the subconscious, the intellect, the emotions, and to the person. The most desired outcome is when the person opens up and releases the block. Powerful healing can also occur as the person gives in to the resistance. The outcome is slower, yet eventually the healing has a chance to occur.

The key is to get awareness into a person's conscious mind so that they can understand there is a block affecting their reality. The length of time it takes to change their reality is their own choice.

This is reprinted from "The Reluctant Healer" by David Elliott

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Your success isn't a matter of luck, it's simply a matter of the choices that you make. Success isn't something you can wait for, it's something you'll achieve with effort over time. Things won't turn up in this world until you turn them up.

You can choose to be lazy or ambitious. Stop and think about your choice again. You always do your own choosing.

The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now. Every situation, properly perceived, is an opportunity for you.

First, say to yourself what you would be, then, do what you have to do, to make things happen.

Success is right in front of you.

©2005 by Max Steingart

The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy,

Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal
– By Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

Fully Engaged: Energy, Not Time, Is Our Most Precious Resource

We live in digital time. Our rhythms are rushed, rapid fire and relentless, our days carved up into bits and bytes. We celebrate breadth rather than depth, quick reaction more than considered reflection. We skim across the surface, alighting for brief moments at dozens of destinations but rarely remaining for long at any one. We race through our lives without pausing to consider who we really want to be or where we really want to go. We're wired up but we're melting down.

Most of us are just trying to do the best that we can. When demand exceeds our capacity, we begin to make expedient choices that get us through our days and nights, but take a toll over time. We survive on too little sleep, wolf down fast foods on the run, fuel up with coffee and cool down with alcohol and sleeping pills. Faced with relentless demands at work, we become short-tempered and easily distracted. We return home from long days at work feeling exhausted and often experience our families not as a source of joy and renewal, but as one more demand in an already overburdened life.

We walk around with day planners and to-do lists, Palm Pilots and BlackBerries, instant pagers and pop-up reminders on our computers -- all designed to help us manage our time better. We take pride in our ability to multitask, and we wear our willingness to put in long hours as a badge of honor. The term 24/7 describes a world in which work never ends. We use words like obsessed, crazed and overwhelmed not to describe insanity, but instead to characterize our everyday lives. Feeling forever starved for time, we assume that we have no choice but to cram as much as possible into every day. But managing time efficiently is no guarantee that we will
bring sufficient energy to whatever it is we are doing.

Consider these scenarios:

-- You attend a four-hour meeting in which not a single second is wasted but during the final two hours your energy level drops off precipitously and you struggle to stay focused.

-- You race through a meticulously scheduled twelve-hour day but by midday your energy has turned negative -- impatient, edgy and irritable.

-- You set aside time to be with your children when you get home at the end of the day, but you are so distracted by thoughts about work that you never really give them your full attention.

-- You remember your spouse's birthday -- your computer alerts you and so
does your Palm Pilot -- but by the evening, you are too tired to go out
and celebrate.

Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance.

This insight has revolutionized our thinking about what drives enduring high performance. It has also prompted dramatic transformations in the way our clients manage their lives, personally and professionally. Everything they do -- from interacting with colleagues and making important decisions to spending time with their families -- requires energy. Obvious as this seems, we often fail to take into account the importance of energy at work and in our personal lives. Without the right quantity, quality, focus and force of energy, we are compromised in any activity we undertake.

Every one of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors has an energy consequence, for better or for worse. The ultimate measure of our lives is not how much time we spend on the planet, but rather how much energy we invest in the time that we have. The premise of this book -- and of the training we do each year with thousands of clients -- is simple enough:

Performance, health and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of energy

BOOK EXCERPT By Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

Monday, March 21, 2005

Life Begins Anew

First Days Of Spring

Tender, green shoots break through the earth and tiny buds suddenly appear on naked branches. Mountain snows melt to feed streams and creeks with their life force. Lambs, piglets, calves, bunnies, chicks, ducklings and so many more babes are born at this time of year. And for one day there is a perfect balance of daylight and darkness. It is during the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring when life begins anew.

The air itself seems new this time of year. Washed by spring rains, the palate is cleaned to be filled with the fragrance of new blossoms, fresh water, and pungent soil. Even the sun leaves its scent on clothes hung outside, dried by warm, brisk winds. Like ponies that shed their winter coats, we too begin to peel off the layers that kept us insulated through the winter months. It is now time to bring dreams out of hibernation. We have winter to thank for the insights gained during long, dark nights of introspection. Seeds planted then, give life to thoughts, ideas, wishes, desires, and new goals.

Nature adorns herself in unabashed glory at this time of year. She pulls out every color in her wardrobe from the brightest yellow to the softest pink, throwing in orange, blue, lavender and every shade of green she owns. Spring offers us the opportunity to shed our inhibitions, to be more bold and open to what life has to offer. Put on a bright, colorful smile and charm the world like the newborns, we are young again, no matter our age. Our heart wants to sing, our soul to dance, and our mind to run wild.

The world awakens in Spring and awakens our spirit of renewal, because Spring is the promise that life not only goes on, but that it begins over and over. Seeds become plants and flowers, animals give birth to their young, even the barren desert blossoms with wild flowers. Spring is a time to reinvent ourselves. We can give birth to a new life for ourselves and start fresh. All a tiny seed needs to sprout is soil, sun, and rain. All we need is a willing heart. During these first days of Spring, know that you are in perfect balance and give yourself the nutrients to not only grow, but to blossom in all your glory.

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This week's eMeditation:

- by Vic Johnson

"Before a person can accomplish anything of an enduring nature in the world she must first of all acquire some measure of success in the management of her own mind. If a person cannot govern the forces within herself, she cannot hold a firm hand upon the outer activities that form her visible life." – The Mastery of Destiny

Rob Bremer asks a very important question: "If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person?"

How about this thought: What would you do to someone if they talked to your children the way you talk to yourself?

I am constantly amazed at what people say about themselves. I wince when I hear someone I care about say things like, "I'm so stupid" or "Sorry, I'm always late," because I know it only reinforces a deeply held belief (whether it's a conscious or subconscious belief). I wince even more when I catch myself saying those kind of things because I know the damage they do. As F.F. Bosworth said, "A spiritual law that few realize is that our confessions rule us. What we confess with our lips dominates our inner being."

What are you telling yourself? What does that little man (or little woman) on your shoulder say to you? Is that who you really want to be?

In our phenomenal Conquer Fear Tele-Seminar, Lisa Jimenez taught a technique that I think has application here. For the next couple of weeks wear a rubber band on your wrist. Every time you catch yourself saying something to yourself (or about yourself) that is not in keeping with who you want to be, stop whatever you're doing immediately. Then CONFESS the Truth about you while you're snapping the rubber band on your wrist.

For instance, if you catch yourself saying, "I'm always late," stop and say to yourself "I am thankful that I am becoming more conscious of the importance of being on time, and I am improving every day" (snap the rubber band). Do it several times to reinforce the affirmation.

Read the following words everyday until they are ingrained in your soul. Then you will be diligent about what you say to yourself. They're from Napoleon Hill, writing in the classic Think and Grow Rich: "It is a well-known fact that one comes, finally, to believe whatever one repeats to one's self, whether the statement is true or false. If a man repeats a lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth."

And that's worth thinking about.

- Vic Johnson



You must first expect to succeed if you want to succeed. When you expect good things to happen, strangely enough, they will happen. Expectation energizes your goals and gives them momentum.

Your life will always respond to your outlook, so set your goals high. The dreams you choose to believe in will come to be.

You can't expect to succeed beyond your wildest expectations unless you begin with some pretty wild expectations.

©2005 by Max Steingart

Friday, March 18, 2005

A Gift Of Time

Keeping A Routine

So much of life is chaotic. Everyday, each of us is assailed by unexpected situations and unpredictable people, both of which can cause stress and fatigue. One way to battle the chaos and lessen the effect of those things which you cannot control is to design and follow a routine that is unique and based on your needs. A routine need not encompass your major responsibilities, though it can. Rather, it includes the minor but important daily activities that are vital to good mental and physical health, and give you a context from which to view the world. It becomes easier to deal with spontaneous changes and upsets if you know that at a certain time, you will be doing something specific.

Creating and keeping a routine may seem like a struggle at first but will become easier as time passes and you become accustomed to your schedule. It may be helpful to begin by breaking down your daily activities and separating those activities you need to do from those you want to do. Sometimes starting a morning routine is easiest because many people engage in the same activities when they wake. Instead of rushing around, try to budget your time. Spend two minutes brushing your teeth before stretching for ten minutes and then take your shower. Budgeting your time will allow you more freedom to do the things that make you feel centered and energized throughout the day. The same tactic can be applied to the rest of your day. You may feel more comfortable with your new routine if you acknowledge your necessary activities in positive ways. Rather than labeling certain parts of your day as chores, focus on the fact that getting those duties accomplished frees up time for you to enjoy more personally fulfilling activities.

If you find your routine is not working, you may want to be more flexible or reassess your schedule. With a practiced routine, not only will life run smoothly, but there will also be more chances to give yourself the gift of joyful and peaceful moments throughout your day. It's one way to take control of your time and to ensure that you are spending at least part of every day in a calm, collected, and beneficial way.

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Build Quality Into Your House

- Author Unknown

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by.

The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."

What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.

So it is with us. We build our lives in a distracted way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best. At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realized, we would have done it differently.

Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think of your life as the house. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board or erect a wall, build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity.

The plaque on the wall says, "Life is a do-it-yourself project, do it to the best of your ability."



Wanting success isn't sufficient enough to get it. You have to ask yourself, "What am I going to do to get the things I want?"

Your problem is how to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach.

You cannot fail with a definite step-by-step plan, because each step carries you along to the next step, like a track. All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.

You cannot get lost on a straight road.

©2005 by Max Steingart

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Blanket Of Energy

Earth's Aura

All living things possess auras. It has often been put forth that whole of the Earth, made up as it is of both organic and inorganic matter, can be considered a single, hugely complex living entity. As such, our Earth too, has an aura: her atmosphere. This aura, so widespread and rich with the substances that nourish life, is often disregarded because it is so vitally close to us. We speak of the spaces between things without stopping to consider that the earth is enveloped in its own thick blanket of matter and energy. Much as our health and overall well-being affects our aura, so do our actions affect Earth's atmosphere, which can transform its shape, density, and color depending on a multitude of factors. Consequently, we have the power not only to hurt, but also to heal Earth's aura with our actions and thoughts.

Like the auras that surround us, Earth's atmosphere extends outward, in some places by a mere 50 miles and in others, to 1,000 miles. It not only surrounds the Earth, but moves with it, changing but ever-present. Pollution, changes in composition and atmospheric thinning can all change Earth's aura's colors. A tan skyline or an ethereally glowing orange and green sunset can all indicate a state of planetary illness. Holes in an aura, like the hole in the ozone layer, show us that there is a weakness, or imbalance. Any sickness of the Earth, natural or caused by humans, that is visible in the atmosphere can cause temperature changes and upsets in weather patterns and the seasons. But there are many means of healing the Earth's aura. You can use less or no pollutants, conserve resources, or encourage cleaner living. You may also want to use meditation and positive projection to bolster the Earth's life force, changing Earth's aura for the better with thoughts of peace and love.

As are plants and animals, the Earth is made up of a combination of atoms, molecules, and energy. And its changing atmosphere is more than a simple combination of nitrogen, oxygen, and water. It is important that we learn to give back to Earth, to sustain and cleanse her aura, and to maintain the balance of living things and non-living things in order to positively affect the planet's air quality, ozone recovery, and our climate.

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Do You Believe In Easter?

- Forwarded email from Elaine Davenport

This is a wonderful story! A special thanks to my friend Kimberly wholives in Virgina for sending!

Edith Burns was a wonderful Christian who lived in San Antonio, Texas. She was the patient of a doctor by the name of Will Phillips. Dr. Phillips was a gentle doctor who saw patients as people. His favorite patient was Edith Burns.

One morning he went to his office with a heavy heart and it was because of Edith Burns. When he walked into that waiting room, there sat Edith with her big black Bible in her lap earnestly talking to a young mother sitting beside her.

Edith Burns had a habit of introducing herself in this way: "Hello, my name is Edith Burns. Do you believe in Easter?" Then she would explain the meaning of Easter, and many times people would be saved. Dr. Phillips walked into that office and there he saw the head nurse, Beverly. Beverly had first met Edith when she was taking her blood pressure. Edith began by saying, "My name is Edith Burns. Do you
believe in Easter?"

Beverly said, "Why yes I do."

Edith said, "Well, what do you believe about Easter?"

Beverly said, "Well, it's all about egg hunts, going to church, and dressing up." Edith kept pressing her about the real meaning of Easter, and finally led her to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Dr. Phillips said, "Beverly, don't call Edith into the office quite yet. I believe there is another delivery taking place in the waiting room. After being called back in the doctor's office, Edith sat down and when she took a look at the doctor she said, "Dr. Will, why are you so sad? Are you reading your Bible? Are you praying?"

Dr. Phillips said gently, "Edith, I'm the doctor and you're the patient." With a heavy heart he said, "Your lab report came back and it says you have cancer, and Edith, you're not going to live very long."

Edith said, "Why Will Phillips, shame on you. Why are you so sad? Do you think God makes mistakes? You have just told me I'm going to see my precious Lord Jesus, my husband, and my friends. You have just told me that I am going to celebrate Easter Forever, and here you are having difficulty giving me my ticket!" Dr. Phillips thought to himself, "What a magnificent woman this Edith Burns is!" Edith continued coming to Dr. Phillips. Christmas came and the office was closed through January 3rd. On the day theoffice opened, Edith did not show up. Later that afternoon, Edith called Dr. Phillips and said she would have to be moving her story to the hospital and said, "Will, I'm very near home, so would you make sure that they put women in here next to me in my room who need to know about Easter."

Well, they did just that and women began to come in and share that room with Edith. Many women were saved. Everybody on that floor from staff to patients were so excited about Edith, that they started calling her Edith Easter; that is everyone except Phyllis Cross, the head nurse. Phyllis made it plain that she wanted nothing to do with Edith because she was a "religious nut." She had been a nurse in an army hospital.. She had seen it all and heard it all. She was the original G.I Jane. She had been married three times, she was hard, cold, and did everything by the book.

One morning the two nurses who were to attend to Edith were sick. Edith had the flu and Phyllis Cross had to go in and give her a shot. When she walked in, Edith had a big smile on her face and said, "Phyllis, God loves you and I love you, and I have been praying for you."

Phyllis Cross said, "Well, you can quit praying for me, it won't work. I'm not interested."

Edith said, "Well, I will pray and I have asked God not to let me go home until you come into the family."

Phyllis Cross said, "Then you will never die because that will never happen," and curtly walked out of the room.

Every day Phyllis Cross would walk into the room and Edith would say, "God loves you Phyllis and I love you, and I'm praying for you."

One day Phyllis Cross said she was literally drawn to Edith's room like a magnet would draw iron. She sat down on the bed and Edith said, "I'm so glad you have come, because God told me that today is your special day."

Phyllis Cross said, "Edith, you have asked everybody here the question, 'Do you believe in Easter?' but you have never asked me."

Edith said, "Phyllis, I wanted to many times, but God told me to wait until you asked, and now that you have asked." Edith Burns took her Bible and shared with Phyllis Cross the Easter Story of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Edith said, "Phyllis, do you believe in Easter? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is alive and that He wants to
live in your heart?"

Phyllis Cross said, "Oh I want to believe that with all of my heart, and I do want Jesus in my life." Right there, Phyllis Cross prayed and invited Jesus Christ into her heart. For the first time Phyllis Cross did not walk out of a hospital room, she was carried out on the wings of angels.

Two days later, Phyllis Cross came in and Edith said, "Do you know what day it is?"

Phyllis Cross said, "Why Edith, it's Good Friday."

Edith said, "Oh, no, for you every day is Easter. Happy Easter Phyllis!"

Two days later, on Easter Sunday, Phyllis Cross came into work, did some of her duties and then went down to the flower shop and got some Easter lilies because she wanted to go up to see Edith and give her some Easter lilies and wish her a Happy Easter.

When she walked into Edith's room, Edith was in bed. That big black Bible was on her lap. Her hands were in that Bible. There was a sweet smile on her face.

When Phyllis Cross went to pick up Edith's hand, she realized Edith was dead. Her left hand was on John 14: "In my Father's house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also."

Her right hand was on Revelation 21:4, " And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away"

Phyllis Cross took one look at that dead body, and then lifted her face toward heaven, and with tears streaming down here cheeks, said, "Happy Easter, Edith - Happy Easter!"

Phyllis Cross left Edith's body, walked out of the room, and over to a table where two student nurses were sitting. She said, "My name is Phyllis Cross. Do you believe in Easter?"


- Forwarded message by Elaine Davenport

How Come The Big Boys Got The Big

Toys, While Others Keep Wishing?
- By Rene Godefroy

Imagine for a moment it's five years from now and you are still making the same income (or just a little more), living in the same home or apartment. You are in debt. You are barely supporting yourself and your family. And you are frustrated with the way things are.

You say, “Wait a minute now. This is not positive thinking! I was expecting your newsletter to be motivational.” Well, it is. You see, most people often take action when they are desperate. Unfortunately, they sometimes take action when it is too late.

The good thing is, I can assure you that the above scenario will never happen to you. How do I know? Although I don’t know you, I am certain we have kindred spirit. You belong to a special category of winners. Or you wouldn’t be reading this.

For many years, I worked as a doorman at a hotel. I was carrying bags - sometimes in the extreme heat or cold. I mean intense manual labor. But although I was a doorman, I was not a dumb man. I was a researcher and an observer. One of the many insights I received came to me from merely observing something as simple as a revolving door. Just like the word suggests, it revolves.

Now, many of our lives are just like a revolving door - and how easy and comfortable it is to get caught in it. We spend years doing the same things over and over. We simply keep turning around and around. We prefer to operate within our comfort zone. It's a natural instinct.

But if you take a good look at all of the successful people around the world, you will notice they all have one common denominator. They all became successful by going to the edge. And yes, my friend, the edge is no where near a revolving door. What’s the lesson here?

The lesson is if you want more than you have now, you have to be willing to step out and dance along the edge of life’s cliff. The big things that you and I are dreaming about are hanging along the edge. If they weren’t, every one of us would have plenty of them.

My assignment for you is to start strategizing your life NOW. Again, this is something most people would not be willing to do. Come to think of it, it is exactly why YOU should. So, you have been thinking about going back to school but just the thought of the sacrifice seems a little scary. Hey, if it is then DO IT. Success dwells on the edge!

What else have you been thinking about and are afraid of? Do you want a promotion? Do you want to start a new life? Is it time to reinvent your life? Then get a pen and a piece of paper, and quickly start writing down what you will have to do for that to happen. Perhaps you need to acquire new skills. Maybe you need to seek out some mentors for moral support. Maybe you need to start putting together a team of people who can help you make it happen.

We can never, ever make it on our own. We need highly creative people to help us. Most of us struggle because we try to do everything ourselves. Jesus had to first put a team together. Tom Watson, the founder of IBM, before his death asked his family to share part of his wealth with his employees. He said that they helped him make the money. He could not have done it alone.

So, during this month, each day try to do something that you are uncomfortable doing. Remember, if you are afraid then DO IT. But first, make sure you have great mentors and a good team to support you along the way. And remember, not only the big boys deserve to have the big toys. You deserve to have them, too.

I wish you incredible success!

3 Powerful Tips to Help You Have Your Best Year Ever


Here are 3 powerful steps you can take to free yourself from frustration and to start enjoying the good life so many are enjoying right now:

1) Know "where you are." Have you ever been lost in a residential area and no one was around to ask for directions? Now if you are somewhat familiar with the area, it’s easy to just turn around here and there and find your way back. But the worst part about being lost is when we are lost and we haven't a clue where we are.

So, where exactly are you on your journey now? Do you know exactly how much money you owe? And how many assets you have? What are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses? Here’s a good exercise to help you know "where you are":

Draw a map of your life and make every square a city. Name each square with an aspect of your life. One city can be your family, friends, knowledge of your field, spirituality, work, charity, financial, etc. Then rate each city from one to ten. Ten means you are doing extremely well, and one means it needs immediate help.

What I just shared with you is like having a balance sheet for your life. Put all your weaknesses on one side and your strengths on the other side. Put your strengths to work and strengthen your weaknesses. You can read more books, go back to school or find a mentor.

Perhaps you can learn 50 to 100 power words this year in order to get a verbal advantage. Whatever you do, keep in mind that a better year begins with a better you. The readers of No Condition is Permanent know about this.

Farmer and His Old Mule

A parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule.

The mule fell into the farmer's well. The farmer heard the mule 'braying' - or - whatever mules do when they fall into wells. After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving. Instead, he called his neighbors together and told them what had happened and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery.

Initially, the old mule was hysterical! But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back, a thought struck him. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back: he should shake it off and step up! This he did, blow after blow. "Shake it off and step up... shake it off and step up... shake it off and step up!" he repeated to encourage himself. No matter how painful the blows, or distressing the situation seemed the old mule fought "panic" and just kept right on shaking it off and stepping up!

You're right! It wasn't long before the old mule, battered and exhausted, stepped triumphantly over the wall of that well! What seemed like it would bury him, actually blessed him.

All because of the manner in which he handled his adversity.

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

- by Jeff McCall

You may have wandered off the safe path through the Internet business forest, or you may be wary about setting off in the first place. What's stopping you from continuing? Is there really a Big Bad Wolf waiting to jump out and finish you off?

If you're experiencing this sort of hesitancy, then a little regression therapy may be necessary. Think back to when you were a child. When you had little experience of success or failure. When you approached each new challenge with vigour and a sense of adventure.

I remember when my Dad taught me to ride a bike. If I fell off, I just got straight back on and tried again. The fact that I may fall again and again never entered my head. This was new, it was fun and I was spurred on by the prize for my endeavours; joining in with my elder brother and our mates who were already racing around on two wheels.

As children we charged forward with gay abandon into every new adventure. But as adults we hesitate and check our step. Why is that? The answer's simple! The one thing that's changed our perceptions of new and uncharted territories, like starting our own business, is fear. It may be fear of failure or fear of rejection. As Edmund Burke once said "No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear."

But is there anything wrong with failing once in a while? Certainly not! You never learn anything from doing things right all the time. Making mistakes is an essential part of the learning process. That being said, you must remember that you never learn much from a mistake the second time you make it.

Fear is an important emotion. Like the Big Bad Wolf, it provides a safety check to ensure we've thought through our actions and planned for likely outcomes. But you should never allow it to stop you from setting off on your next great adventure.

In his inaugural address of 1933, Franklin D Roosevelt famously said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Are the things we fear always realistic and tangible? I think not! We often tend to create our own 'monsters under the bed'. Take our arch nemesis the Big Bad Wolf for example. I mean, how could any hairy transvestite quadruped fool anyone into believing it was Grandma. And if it had despatched Grandma, wouldn't there have been blood stains on the eiderdown? But I digress!

These 'monsters' are barriers we create for ourselves that reside in our imagination rather than in reality. So, let's get back on that path through the Internet business forest then, and stride bravely forward. If you're fearful about starting out, or you're fearful of taking the next step, don't let that fear ruin your journey. Let it simply act as a reminder to check what's round the next bend once in a while.

What! You're still scared? OK, take along the woodcutters axe for protection if you must.

By the way, he's behind you! :-)

Be successful.

Copyright © 2001, JPM Publishing. All rights reserved.

Jeff McCall is the librarian at The Success Library, a vast collection of ebooks, articles and resources to help you achieve online success. Get your library card at Subscribe to the library's free newsletter Success Lines. Free marketing course for subscribing & free ebook with every issue:



The place to begin to improve the world is in your own heart, head and hands. To get along with others, love them without forcing your love upon them.

Imposing your beliefs on people will not bring you peace. Have concern for others, respect their rights and freedoms, and let them be themselves. Do this and you will enjoy peace.

Having consideration for others is the basis of a good life. Most people are not against you, they are merely for themselves. Let differing ideas clash, but not those of the heart.

Peace comes to you when you live and act in a spirit of love.

The place to begin to improve the world is in your own heart, head and hands. To get along with others, love them without forcing your love upon them.

Imposing your beliefs on people will not bring you peace. Have concern for others, respect their rights and freedoms, and let them be themselves. Do this and you will enjoy peace.

Having consideration for others is the basis of a good life. Most people are not against you, they are merely for themselves. Let differing ideas clash, but not those of the heart.

Peace comes to you when you live and act in a spirit of love.

The Many Hats We Wear

- Rev. Lucinda Schersing

How many times have you felt that you were simply spread too thinly over too many situations? It is not surprising that we often feel that way. We each wear many hats within one day.

There is the hat of the child-like qualities of innocence and joy. This is the hat we wear when we look at the world around us and enjoy each moment, watching the dew on the grass as it is kissed by the sun; or listening to the sound of birds singing or flying across the sky. It is this hat that we wear when we take a moment and watch with interest as a butterfly flits from one flower to another or watch as a bug scurries along keeping whatever appointments a bug keeps.

The hat of worry and sorrow is probably the heaviest hat to wear. This is when we become hopelessly lost in the problems of the moment or deep despair or the sorrow of loss.

The hat of the teacher is one that we all wear. Whether that is our profession or we are teaching our children. We also wear this hat when we demonstrate or teach a skill to adults. Sometimes this hat feels far too large as we begin to realize that what we are teaching can affect many lives in many ways for many years.

The hat of compassion, empathy, sensitivity, love and kindness looks very much like the hat of the teacher and yet, in some ways resembles the hat of child-like qualities. Each time we offer a small act of kindness - what we might consider 'the right thing to do' - we are wearing this hat.

There is the hat of creativity which is the hat of the poet, writer, painter, craftsperson, photographer. This hat expresses feelings through the arts and crafts and touches all our hearts and lives.

What does your hat look like? Is it well balanced so that a gust of the winds of surprise will not knock it off? Do you change your hat often? There is nothing so forlorn as a hat that is battered and rumpled because it has become unbalanced from being worn too long or a hat that simply sat on the self, unworn.

Resource Box:

Rev. Lucinda Schersing is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master that believes wholeheartedly in the basic Precepts of Reiki and the many meanings of the phrase, "We Are All Related". You may read more of her articles by visiting:

What We Can Learn From Geese

- By Rev. Lucinda Schersing

The next time you are in a meeting or any situation where you feel overwhelmed, remember the Teaching of the Geese! If you find yourself in a managerial position and feel uncomfortable, remember the Geese!

I cannot think of anyone who has heard the "Honk! Honk!" and not looked up in wonder at the famous "V" formation of geese migrating. There are so many wonderful insights these beautiful birds can give us, if we but take the time to ponder upon them and apply them to our life.

Let us begin with the first thing we notice about geese. They fly in a "V" formation. There are a couple of reasons for this. The goose at the point is usually the strongest and the others form up behind it. As the goose flies there are many loud honks from the lead and from the ones behind it. The reason they do this is to communicate and encourage each other.

The two lines of geese following are arranged so that the stronger ones are closer to the front of the "V" and the flapping of their wings forms a windbreak of sorts for the one behind them.

When the lead goose tires it will drop back to the very end of one of the lines to rest. One of the geese behind the lead goose takes over leading the gaggle. This process continues until they stop for the night or reach their destination.

What can we learn from this lead-and-follow dynamic? We learn that even the strongest of us tire. There is no shame in allowing someone else lead for a while.

We learn that communication is key for any endeavor. When we tire we make mistakes. Sometimes a few words of encouragement can help us maintain our course for a little while longer so that we can accomplish far more than we ever thought we could.

Strong leaders sometimes lead and sometimes they follow. It does not really matter if you are at the front of the line or at the end of the line, as long as we reach our common destination, together.

Resource Box:

Rev. Lucinda Schersing is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master that believes wholeheartedly in the basic Precepts of Reiki and the many meanings of the phrase, "We Are All Related". You may read more of her articles by visiting: her website

Life lessons - An Inpirational Story

- by Fatimah Musa

Ju was physically abused as a child. She lived with a mother who was diagnosed with post depression and a father who was a wife abuser.

Her parent divorced and left six of them with her mother. She left school at 15 and went to work waiting tables to help her mother feed them all.

At 18 she met and fell in love and was married soon after. Then she found out that her husband drank too much, slept around with other women, a wife abuser and took drugs.

She was divorced at age 20 with two children. Her husband took their son away and handed him to his friend. He was sent to jail for an offence with the law.

Her husband's friend did not want to hand the boy over to her and demanded money in exchange. The child had scars on his chest due to burnt from cigarette butts. That was what he got for crying out for food.

She finally managed to get her son back. She left her children in her mother's care while she left to find a job.

At 28 she had an accident. Her dress caught fire and she suffered 2nd degree burns.

With that her self-esteem and self-confidence went down the pit. She was depressed. She attempted suicides several times and was given psychiatric treatments.

After a major surgery and lots of counseling and support from relatives and friends, she started her life all over again even with one partly deformed hand and fingers.

Her anxiety was all the time still present. It was tougher to find a job. She felt like a disabled person.

The one thing that kept her going in spite of her misfortune was her will to be able to feed herself and sent money for her children. She did not want to ask for financial support.

At 38 she was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix. That was a big blow to her. She went through another depression episode.

"Why me?" was the question she repeatedly asked. Of course when she asked that question, she got all the wrong answers. She felt more depressed. She blamed her father, her mother and everyone for what brought her sufferings. Worst, she blamed herself.

She agreed to go for the treatments, chemotherapy and cesium, because she did not want to go through the pains.

This was when she took the time to look within her. She thought that she might not live long enough so she decided to reconnect with her children. It was not easy especially with her son who had gone through his own childhood trauma.

She turned to her family for moral support and she turned to God.

Now eight years later, she is still alive. Waking up and able to breathe for another day is a gift for her.

She has two grandchildren whom she adores and that give her much joy. She takes some jobs every now and then when her health permits and rests when she needs it.

Her question has changed. She now asks what is it she could do to get more out of what is left?

Things happen and happen to us all. Life does not play favorites. Everyone has a story to tell.

It is how we handle it that matters. We do not have to wait until a major catastrophe interrupts us to think of what we should do with our lives.

It is up to us to make or break us. No one can tell our brain and mind what to do. No one can tell us what to think of and what to put inside our head.

We have the power to think what we want to think. To forget past hurts or to linger with them.

We can decide, plan and take action on what we want to have, do or be. At least when the universe intervenes, we know that we have done our best.

About the author:

Fatimah Musa provides information, tips and quotes written to help people become aware that any future growth starts with their personal growth. You can visit Fatimah at
Peace comes to you when you live and act in a spirit of love.

Making Decisions.

- by Fatimah Musa

You lost your job. Your partner left you. Your car was re-possessed. You find your life barren like the desert.

Your self-esteem plunged. You don’t think you are good enough for anything.

You will never find another job because you lack the education and the skills required. You are too old to try again. And who would want you now? The most "handsome, tall dark and charming man" has deserted you and you will never find another as charming as him.

These are common thoughts when you are met with adversity. At this point of your life you usually will not be able to see beyond what you are facing.

How can you think right when you are hungry? All you need is food to eat and a place to stay and call it a night. Your goal for the moment is to feed your stomach.

What can you do?

You can do something. All is not lost.

You can decide to tell yourself that "this too shall pass". You can decide that you will start all over again.

You can take any job for the moment to give you a paycheck. And from there work yourself up again.

Read inspirational and motivational books instead of wallowing in self-pity. Better than using the time watching soap operas or reality shows. The books are available from the library and you can read them for free. If you think that there is no way to turn your life around-read "Man’s search for meaning" by Victor Frankl. It may help you look at your life at a different perspective. Or you can read the book by W Mitchell. You’ll be inspired.

Listen to motivational recording. If that is the only one you have...just keep listening to it.

Start writing your goals. Make a list of what you can do today and the next day and the next.

Set out your intentions. It’s one step at a time and you have to keep on trying many times and different ways until you get what you want.

Have a talk with yourself. Write your feelings and thoughts in a journal. Sit down alone and contemplate.

Go for a walk. Practice deep breathing.

You and only you decide what you want to think. No one knows what’s going on inside your head. You can rewind and replay your failures or you can record and replay new positive ones.

People can say things about you. You decide what you want to listen to. You decide what you want to keep. You decide what you want to say to yourself.

Sometimes you think that there is no way out. How do you know you have tried everything? Did you write them down? How many ways were there...1, 2 or 20?

If you still have your complete physical self and a sound mind, there is no reason why you cannot start all over. do not want to.

Or maybe what you are really crying out for is the familiarity. It’s too scary out there. You have been comfortable all this while. Now you have no choice but to change or rot. And you do not want to rot. At the same time you are so fearful. You have to decide. And the decision is yours.

This is the opportunity for you to challenge yourself. You have to help yourself to grow. You have to develop the attitude that if you work hard you can have a better life. No one is going to help you unless you help yourself first.

About the author:

Fatimah Musa provides information, tips and quotes written to help people become aware that any future growth starts with their personal growth. You can visit Fatimah at