Thursday, March 27, 2008

Book Excerpt: Twenty Something in the Twenty Something's - By Jeffrey Moore

Maybe it's the second cup of fabulous Tim Horton's coffee, or maybe it's because I just watched "Evan Almighty" (that movie always chokes me up), or maybe it's both. But right now at this very moment, things are very clear to me. I write this today not in a perfect world, but with a perfect understanding of my world. There are things right now that weigh on my heart, trusts that have broken and yet, as Biggie Smalls would say, "It's all good baby baby" especially after taking time to reflect on the following quote from Morgan Freeman, who plays God in "Evan Almighty":

"Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does He give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does He give him an opportunity to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does He give them opportunities to love each other?" --Morgan Freeman as God in "Evan Almighty"

This quote alone has reshaped my life and always brings a tear to my eye because of the honesty and self-reflection it provides. If we dare to live our vision, if we dare to create our dreams and reach our potential, then we must be able to see the opportunities that we asked for, and learn the lesson we need. We must learn to let go and allow our own greatness to take over. I know every day I am tested; I know every night I go to bed asking for an ability to reach a new level of success. I have come to realize that this doesn't always come in the form I want it to.

Sometimes it comes in challenges I hate, sometimes it comes in painful break-ups and things I don't want to experience, and sometimes it's great. My message for this chapter is simple -- sometimes in life we get so wrapped up in losses and pain that we can't see the forest for the trees. As Viktor Frankl talks about in his life-changing book, "Man's Search For Meaning," "To invoke an analogy, consider a movie: it consists of thousands upon thousands of individual pictures, and each of them makes sense and carries a meaning, yet the meaning of the whole film cannot be seen before its last sequence is shown." This is a classic painting of big-picture vs. small-picture.

I know that every night I ask to become more successful; I ask to grow and gain experience in life to reach my fullest potential. I understand that what I am actually asking for is an opportunity; I understand that opportunity usually comes in the form of a test, whether it's an opportunity to work on my book and then the phone rings and it's a bunch of friends asking me to come out, or a relationship that fails and leaves me lost. These are opportunities to grow, learn, feel, and experience. Do I always enjoy these opportunities? Of course not! Some of them hurt and push me further than I am willing to go. Opportunity does not always come as you're walking down the street and someone decides you should be a model; opportunity usually comes when we say hi to all the possibilities and use large picture thinking.

About the Author:

Jeff Moore is the author of the books "Twenty Something in the Twenty Something's" and the newly-released "The World is Yours: Turning Vision into Reality."

Jeff started his career by asking himself one question: "How do we teach the youth and adults the most important lessons in life?" The answer was clear -- we teach by inspiring them. Since that time, Jeff has gone on to become an author and professional speaker, working in colleges and corporations teaching audiences goal setting and self-communication techniques. For more information on Jeff Moore, go to

Friday, March 21, 2008

Why The Elephants Don't Run - by Jim Donovan

A number of years ago, I had the rather unique experience of being backstage in Madison Square Garden, in New York, during the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus. To say the least, it was a fascinating experience. I was able to walk around looking at the lions, tigers, giraffes and all the other circus animals. As I was passing the elephants, I suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. I saw a trainer near by and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away.

"Well," he said, "when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it's enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They think the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free."
I was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they could not, they were stuck right where they were.

Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before? How many of us are being held back by old, outdated beliefs that no longer serve us? Have you avoided trying something new because of a limiting belief? Worse, how many of us are being held back by someone else's limiting beliefs? Do you tell yourself you can't sell because you're not a salesperson?

Particularly in starting or running a business, we are cautioned not to take risks, usually by well intentioned friends and family. How many of us have heard, "You can't do that?" These are the dream stealers who, due to their own limiting beliefs, will attempt to discourage you from living your dreams. You must ignore them at all cost! I am not suggesting that you should not seek advice from qualified individuals and mentors, but that you avoid like the plague, being swayed by the limiting beliefs of others, especially people who are not in their own business.

Challenge your own limiting beliefs by questioning them. If you begin to question a belief, you automatically weaken it. The more you question your limiting beliefs, the more they are weakened. It's like kicking the legs out from under a stool. Once you weaken one leg, the stool begins to lose its balance and fall. Think back to a time when you "sold" someone on yourself. We are selling all the time. You have to sell your ideas to your spouse, your children, and your employees - even your banker. Maybe, as a child, you sold Girl Scout cookies or magazine subscriptions to raise money for your school team. That was selling too!

Once you realize you are, in fact, a capable salesperson, you have weakened that old belief and began to replace it with a new, empowering one. Look for references to support the new beliefs you want to cultivate. As in the example of the stool, you want to reinforce your beliefs by adding more and more "legs" to them. Find people who have accomplished what you want to accomplish, discover what they did and model their behavior. Remember back to times in your past when you were successful and use that experience to propel yourself forward. If your challenge is in sales, read sales books and listen to tapes or attend sales seminars. This is a critical area of your business. One that cannot be undermined by limiting beliefs.

There is a technique called "fake it until you make it" that works well. I am not suggesting you live in denial, just that you begin to see yourself succeeding. Visualize your successes. See yourself vividly in your minds eye making the sale and reaching your goals. Affirm, over and over, that you are succeeding.

Write your affirmations daily. Of course, make sure you take the appropriate action. As it says in the Bible, "Faith without works is dead."

Remember that your subconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imaginary. Before you go on a sales call, take a moment and mentally rehearse the scene, just like actors and athletes do. Tell yourself, "I'm a great salesperson." Do this over and over, especially just before a sales call. See the sale being made. See and feel the success. You will be pleasantly amazed at the result. Don't take my word for it. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

It has been said throughout history that what ever you believe, with conviction, you can achieve. Don't be like the poor elephant and go through your life stuck because of a limiting belief you were given or developed years ago. Take charge of your life and live it to the fullest. You deserve the best!


Jim Donovan is the author of the International bestsellers, Handbook To A Happier Life and This Is Your Life, Not A Dress Rehearsal. He is also the founder and CEO of, an Internet network for creative professionals. His articles, books and a free subscription to his newsletter are available from

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Success Can Be Learned...It's Not Just For The Gifted! - by David Mason

Are you one of those people who think that success is only for the gifted? Or better yet, that really successful people are lucky? Or that everything they have today was given to them on a silver spoon?

Here's the deal -- while that may be true in some cases, it would be a very few. Success is not about luck or gifts or handouts. I have been saying for years that "success is based on persistency and consistency, not magic."

What this means is that success comes from persistently doing those things we choose to do, on a consistent basis. We all have the potential to be more successful, to accomplish more with our lives. It is not so important what you choose; it is that you choose that makes the difference.

We all experience this world, this life, filtered through our own eyes and our own files that we call morals, ethics, principles, and core beliefs. We may experience the same event, but what we saw, heard, or felt will be different for each person. The reason is that we are all individuals. This is what makes the world such an interesting place. The interpretations of events, the opinions, ideas, ideals are all based on individual interpretations of the unfolding of events before us.

Now I could write an entire book on this subject, but that is not my intention here. What I want to establish is that, ultimately, what we experience in life is the result of how we decide or choose to interpret events.

Did you catch that? I said our decision or choice of how to interpret events. You see life is based on decisions or choices. I am sure you have heard one or several of the analogies about the two siblings that experienced some traumatic event in their youth. One grows up to be a criminal and the other a very successful member of society. They grew up so differently because of how they chose to interpret and internalize the event from earlier in life. We, just like the siblings I just mentioned, are all the products of our decisions and choices.

You do want to be successful, don't you? I'll give you a hint; it starts with deciding or choosing to be successful.

Now like I said earlier, I don't think that success is based on magic. So I am not about to tell you that all you have to do to become successful is decide you want to be successful and boom, you will be. I wish that was how it works, but the truth is... it's not. It takes more than that; it takes work. I hope I didn't scare you off with the "W" word. But anything worth having is worth working toward.

For example, when I left my career as a Research Biologist to start a business, I didn't give myself the luxury of failure. You see, close to 90% of small businesses go out of business within the first five years. I was not about to give myself this crutch, that if things didn't work out I could fall back on that statistic to justify why I didn't succeed. I put everything I had into making it work. I spent my first year making sure everyone in my industry knew my name and my company name. I wanted and I achieved 'top of mind' within my specific area. It was tough in those early years, I mean really tough. But I went on to build a very successful business, I mean really successful. I was able to sell that business for a very respectful amount in that industry, something that others struggle to do.

Walt Disney said, "While the worriers are worrying, the planners are planning, and the accountants are figuring out why we can't afford it, I'm busy getting it started." I am sure you would agree that he was an extremely successful person, who knew the value of making the decision to get started and was not afraid of work.

It's important to understand that success can be learned; we are not born successful, and we know it's not just for a chosen few.

Any human behavior expert will agree that most people operate at only a small percentage of their true potential. As a result, they realize only a small percentage of their potential success. You've probably heard this yourself.

Through personal and professional performance development, it is possible to increase your successes, and in turn, your quality of life.

For instance:

* When you focus on developing and growing your business, your income grows.

* When you work smarter and not harder, you can accomplish more in less time.

* If you have more free time, you can spend it with your family and friends; in turn your relationships blossom.

* Now you can start to focus on your health and fitness, and improvements are not far behind.

* As a result, your self-esteem and your self-confidence will increase.

You can obviously see how this cycle repeats itself and the results start compounding. This is Performance Development.

Toss that around in your head for a bit and you'll agree with me that by focusing on improvements in one area of your life, you can, and surely will, see improvements in other areas of your life as well.

A few years ago, I decided to spend more time focusing on my own personal and professional development than I ever had before. I attended more seminars. I took more courses and certifications. I invested in my own professional coach. I was able to take off more time with my family than I ever had before. We even bought a cottage on the Northumberland Strait in Nova Scotia, and we spend a great deal of time there throughout the summer and fall each year.

All of this was done during normal revenue-generating time in my business, yet I was still able to significantly increase my business revenues.

I think you will agree with me when I say that performance development makes a huge difference in both your personal and professional lives. Let's not forget that none of this has to be complex but can be very simple. Consistent tasks performed over time add up to positive results in your personal life or business.

On the road to success, we must repeatedly do things that motivate us and create an impact. Ongoing support is also necessary because it is what drives us to keep moving grow and to do those things we may not have done because we just didn't feel like it, or were uncomfortable doing.

Don't let procrastination, hesitation, or fear stop you from improving your life and hold you back from your success.

Make the decision to start improving your personal and professional lives. Decide right now that you are going to do what it takes to grow personally. Get excited about taking your business or your career to a new level.

Make a commitment to continuous learning. Spend at least one hour every day doing something that nurtures your heart and nourishes your mind.

To your success...

About the Author:

David Mason is president of Mason Performance Development Inc., a Speaker, Trainer, Performance Development Coach, and internationally best-selling author.

Find out more about David and how he can improve your results at

Sunday, March 16, 2008

GRATITUDE AFFIRMATIONS - by Tamara Theresa Mosegaard

• I am grateful.

• I am attracting good into my life.

• My daily attitude is one of gratitude.

• I am seeing greatness all around me.

• I am feeling that I have a grateful heart.

• I am a magnet for good and for that good… I am grateful.

• I see abundance all around me. I am grateful.

• I am filled with happiness and gratitude.

• I am learning each day to be grateful.

• I just feel grateful each morning.

• Abundance comes to me because I am grateful.

• I am learning to appreciate all I have.

• I am grateful and thankful for all goodness God has given me.

• I give thanks daily for blessings that flow into my life.

• I am grateful for my health.

• I feel profound gratitude for all I am and all I have.

• I know gratitude is a daily choice and I choose to be grateful.

• I am blessed in so many ways and am deeply grateful

• I am grateful for my life and growing consciousness within it

• I am profoundly grateful for the power granted me to command the formless intelligence all around me.

• The more grateful I am, the more my soul may live in close touch with God.

• My soul continuously rejoices and unites with my experience as I engage in gratitude.

• Gratitude opens the door for my essence to flow through my life, and spirit blessings to pour into all that I choose to create.

• Gratefulness is how I return energy to the universe for the bounty I am blessed with.

• The more grateful I am, the more blessed I am.

• The more grateful I am, the more connected I am to the source and power of creation.

• I am deeply grateful to the Creator who wants me to thrive in life.

• I now immerse in gratitude and cultivate it as a habit.

• In profound gratitude, I am in a harmonious relationship with the formless Substance out of which my life emerges.

• By my gratitude, I am close to the source of abundance.

• My subconscious mind is continually finding things that I am grateful for.

• In my sleep, I am continually fed inspirations to support me to develop a habit of gratitude in life.

• I am able and willing to embrace all experiences and derive the gifts they hold for me.

• I am grateful for life hugging me in a perfect reflective way.

• I release all resistance to any part of my life and accept it all, knowing it is there as ‘love in action’.

• I release all bitterness, resentment and dissatisfaction that I may see the blessings I’ve missed.

• In gratitude I am at peace with my life and able to withdraw from non-serving energies and focus wholly on creating wonderful things in great joy and expectancy.

• In gratitude I am fluid energy able to move easily with life and direct it according to my desires born of love.

• In gratitude I am inwardly free and unattached to specific outcomes; everything that comes to me is imbued with divine wisdom.

• With a grateful heart I see opportunities for growth and joy everywhere.

• My gratitude reaches God and God moves towards me.

• My gratitude reaches the source of abundance and the source rushes towards me.

• In gratitude, I love unconditionally and become infinite being with infinite potential.

• I am capable of doing what I do because others have come before me. I am grateful for the world I see.

• I engage and enjoy the luminous divine Essence in all who enter my life.

• I am grateful for all the players in my life. Everyone in my life is “love in action”.

• I appreciate all people in my life, for each one brings an opportunity for learning to me.

• I now experience being fully supported by everyone in my life.

• I am strongly and constantly grateful for all that is in my life.

• Gratitude keeps me connected to the power of the universe.

• Gratitude is love, and my heart opens to receive all the blessings coming my way.

• The grateful mind focuses on the best.

• I focus on the best in everything and everyone, and the best appears abundantly for me.

• My life is the image of what I give attention to. What a wonderful experience!

• I am thinking Substance taking the form of what I think about.

• I am a lucid dreamer, dreaming wonderful possibilities and potentials.

• The grateful mind expects the best.

• I continually expect the best in everything and everyone who enters my life.

• I am profoundly connected to the source and power of life through the love that I am.
• I am profoundly connected to the source and power of life through continual gratitude.

• I breathe in the beauty, abundance and goodness of life; it abounds.

• I see only abundance and supply all around me; how wonderful to be alive.

• I am loved my God and in deep gratefulness, I allow myself to take this love in deeply.

• Before going to sleep, I release all idle thoughts and focus on all my blessings.

• As I count my blessings, my blessings grow.

• As I am grateful to others, they are gracious to me.

• In gratefulness, I give back to the universe and I am fulfilled.

• Being in gratitude is heavenly.

• In gratitude I am in harmony with the creative energies of the universe.

• By continual gratitude, I am open to receiving God’s grace.

• I am deeply and continuously grateful, and thereby I align to the outcomes of greatest blessing.

• I am grateful and thereby allow more supply into my life for which to be grateful!

• I release all concern as to how to feed, clothe, or supply my world, and turn all my thoughts to expressing the love that I am in freedom and joy.

• The grateful mind expands to embrace even more of the blessings of life—I am continuously grateful and expanding.

• I dwell only on the best and the blessings, and I become the best, blessed, and a blessing unto others.

• Faith is born of gratitude; I have faith and am filled with joyous expectancy.

• I continuously expect great things and am deeply grateful in advance.

• I am so grateful to be alive!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why Good People Do Bad Things - By Debbie Ford

Our headlines are full of stories of good people gone astray. They show up on the evening news, on the front page of newspapers, and splashed across the weekly tabloids. In many ways, these sad stories have become a national obsession. We're all so busy projecting on these people we see in the media. We think, "She's out of her mind," "He's an idiot," "Why would he risk everything?" We think we are judging the people whose fall from grace occurs in the heat of a national spotlight, but in reality we're just seeing ourselves. Countless acts of self-destruction and sabotage take place in our families, in our communities, in our circle of friends.

Most of us were taught that if we just wrap ourselves in enough layers, create a convincing enough persona, or hide behind an attractive enough mask, people won't discover (or, even more to the point, WE won't discover) that we are flawed, imperfect, and insecure. It's downright exhausting to keep hiding and denying parts of ourselves. Eventually, like a beach ball held under water, they pop up and snack us in the face. The act of hiding who we truly are and shaming the parts of ourselves that are less than perfect is what causes us to shut down, to disconnect, to be able to see our dreams but not be able to reach them. This is the birth of self-sabotage.

The Shadow Process is dedicated to helping people come into complete alignment with all parts of themselves. It is based on the understanding that each of us is a human being, and each of us is a divine being. We all have a multitude of different aspects -- some we love and some we hate -- but most of us were taught as children to hide and deny the "bad" parts of ourselves, to reject them, and suppress them. Let me give you an example.

Imagine that as a child I acted selfishly, eating all the cookies on the plate or wanting all the toys in the store. Depending on the reaction I received from those around me, I may have decided that my selfish self is bad. If, as an adult, I am uncomfortable with this side of myself, I will continue to try to hide, suppress, or camouflage this part of me. Maybe I decide it would be better to become a selfless human being who is always giving. Inside the restrictions of this belief, I can never say no because if I do, someone might discover that I'm selfish. So I'm a prisoner of my shame around being selfish. I have no freedom. Then I wind up being a people-pleaser, a caregiver, giving away my time and my energy, even when doing so compromises my health, my relationships, or my long-term goals. Then, when an opportunity arises that requires me to focus exclusively on myself, I find that I'm locked inside the persona that I created.

We all have aspects of ourselves that we run from. We say, "I don't want to be selfish like my mother. I don't want to be angry like my father," but the fact is, we are all angry and selfish at times. My work is about showing people how to come to terms with all aspects of their humanity, how to love the aspects of ourselves that we've hated so we are free to be who we are each and every moment of every day. At the crux of this journey is self-love. When we love and accept all parts of ourselves, we establish inner alignment. And of course, when we have alignment in our inner world, everything shifts -- the way that we see ourselves, the way that we see other people, the way we treat people in relationship, and the way we relate to the global world.

Three things are guaranteed when you make peace with your shadow: The first guarantee is self-confidence. Most people are riddled with doubt and a feeling that they are not good enough in some area of their lives. The moment we find the gifts and the blessings of the so-called flawed parts of ourselves, we lift them out of the darkness of our shame body and use them to move us forward. The second guarantee is peace, a deeply quiet mind, and liberation from the internal noise that most of us listen to day in and day out. And the third thing I can promise that you will receive when you embrace your shadow is the freedom to be yourself, to set boundaries, to say no instead of yes when you don't want to do something. When you no longer have to hide parts of yourself out of fear, you'll have the license to be fully self-expressed and to follow your heart.

About the Author:

Debbie Ford is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation and the creator of world renowned Shadow Process. A pioneering force in incorporating the study and integration of the shadow into modern psychological and spiritual practices, Debbie's work is based on the core belief that outer transformation occurs when we experience an internal shift in perception.

Debbie is the founder of the Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching at John F. Kennedy University. Since its inception in 2000, the Ford Institute has trained and certified over 500 coaches worldwide. Debbie is a #1 New York Times best-selling author whose books and programs have sold more than 1,000,000 copies and are translated into thirty-two languages. Her newest book is "Why Good People Do Bad Things."

6 Simple Energy Shifts to Relieve Stress - By Barbara Schiffman, C.Ht.

"Stress is the trash of modern life" according to writer Danzae Pace. "We all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life."

For 21st century humans, it's nearly impossible to live a stress-free life. Even if you're doing what you love and have a fulfilling relationship, stress piles up like daily trash whether we notice it or not.

It's natural to feel stressed out by life-changing events like serious illness, divorce, marriage, graduations, or new babies. But it's the gradual accumulation of pressures, delays, and unexpected demands that usually causes us to explode or implode. As our to-do lists grow longer, our email and voicemail boxes overflow, our loved ones demand more attention, and our goals get bigger, stress relief can seem like an impossible dream.

Authors Susan Mitchell and Catherine Christie ("I'd Kill to Have a Cookie") commiserate that "sometimes it seems your ever-increasing list of things to do can leave you feeling totally undone." It's no surprise that few people regularly take actions to relieve stress until they reach their breaking point.

So it helps to experiment with simple stress management techniques when you're not already stressed out. As a Life Balance Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist, I've learned that reducing stress is an essential part of ongoing Self-Care for my clients. Taking baby steps on a regular basis relieves their stress and helps them handle the inevitable new stresses of daily life far more easily and quickly.

My favorite Stress Management Techniques include:

* SHIFT Your Perspective: When you feel "infowhelmed" after working at a computer for hours or talking non-stop on the phone, changing your environment will instantly relieve both physical and mental stress. If you're inside, go outside and take a walk around the block. This stimulates blood flow and deeper breathing which naturally relieves stress and also creates new brain synapses to boost your creativity.

* TOUCH the Earth: Most people spend the majority of their waking hours inside these days, so we rarely make direct contact with the Earth anymore. We're all running on Electronic energy which moves faster and more continuously than Earth energy. The energy of the Earth ebbs and flows, and is more in tune with human energy rhythms. So managing stress by gardening, hiking, swimming, or just sitting in a park near trees and flowers can renew us quickly when we feel drained. Tuning into Earth energy rhythms -- like the gentle flow of water, the slow growth of trees and plants, the peaceful movement of stars or clouds -- recharges our physical energy plus gives us emotional balance and mental clarity.

* RELEASE Negative Thoughts, Tension, and Expectations: Releasing physical tension and unrealistic expectations about ourselves, others, and life in general can shift our thoughts and emotions from negative to positive in an instant. Doing any type of meditation, deep breathing, stretching, or yoga (especially Laughter Yoga) erases physical and mental stress like magic. Hypnosis or guided imagery works well for people whose active minds are "too busy" to "calm down and float away" through Zen or Eastern-style meditation techniques. Listening to music -- soothing tunes that calm you down or ones with an energizing beat that makes you want to dance -- can also shift your state of being from drained to dynamic.

* EAT to Boost Energy: Eating more protein and fresh veggies when you're stressed out helps maintain strong muscles as well as clear your thoughts. High sugar or carbohydrate snacks can create drops in most people's blood sugar levels, which in turn creates the physical sensation of anxiety followed by the emotional/mental feelings of overwhelm. Frequent snacks of high protein foods like yogurt, cheese, sliced turkey or chicken, and almonds not only boosts physical energy but also erases anxiety. So if you feel anxious, eat something to boost your blood sugar in a healthy way and then notice how quickly your anxiety evaporates.

* SLEEP Soundly and Deeply: When we work and play hard, we tend to naturally sleep well at night. But when we're running on Electronic energy and eating foods that spike our blood sugar levels, especially in the hours before bedtime, it's often hard to fall asleep much less slumber peacefully throughout the night. Since our minds and emotions "clean house" -- i.e. relieve stress -- via our dreams whether we remember them or not, getting at least 6 hours and preferably 8 of deep sleep is critical to feeling calm and balanced when we're awake. Creating the habit of thinking positive thoughts or visualizing your goals as you drift off to sleep also helps your dreams strengthen your positive energy plus your commitment to fulfilling your desires.

* SPEND Time with Positive People: As I get older, I'm drawn only to people and things that are fun and positive. If someone's complaining all the time, I can't afford to let them drain my energy anymore. Spending time with positive people actually relieves stress and raises your energy, especially compared to being around people who are energy-drains. Doing things that are fun with positive people who also enjoy them naturally gives you a double dose of energy plus stress relief.

Trying these easy energy shifts to reduce stress can transform your body, mind, and emotions from the inside out. But if they work quickly and seem "too easy," please don't discount them. That's just a sign that stress management techniques like these are working for you. Keep in mind that stress relief isn't about being calm all the time -- it's about becoming more centered so you bounce back from life's challenges quickly and easily.

As Dr. Hans Selye, the psychologist who coined the term "stress" in 1950, reminds us, "Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one." Shifting your attitude any way you can is the best first step to relieving stress.

About the Author:

Barbara Schiffman, C.Ht., is a Life Balance Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She's also the host/producer of the Internet radio show
LIVING IN BALANCE at and a Certified Leader of Simple Abundance® Workshops. She is the creator of the Life Energy Tune-Up Workbook/CD Kit and the New Moon*New Beginnings Meditation CD Kit which are based on her life balance teleclasses. Barbara works with groups and individuals all over the world in person and by phone. Visit her website at for info on her programs, services, products, and resources.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?

You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"

You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.

Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

- This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Is Love Like This? - by Jane Monica Tvedt

I live between green hills
the ocean is far away
Not within my reach
Nor can I smell the fresh ocean so blue.

Searching for some unspoken words
Never said between me and you
A longing for the acknowledge of the truth
The vision to trust the love so pure
Sometimes so close, yet so far away.

Why have I been given this wonderful pleasure
Of this mysterious journey?
Nor do I fully understand the unpredictable
Of living in every days life
Nor do I fully understand you.

So many hidden tears has been shed
Never in front of anybody But myself
Looking around,
Searching for help
But the time was beyond my vision
Just an empty place
Between hopes and desires.

Forgotten passion
About what really counts?
Trying to reach in to you
Caress the soul I know
If only the past Could let go.

A challenge one more time
I know it’s the last meeting
Between kindred soul mates
Before you and I Flies into the sunrise
like butterflies.

My wishes was heard, speeches from above
For Never to returned speechless
To my hiding place again.

Only I can change my thoughts
I alone can`t make it come true
To see and live the love
About this so pressures life
With you
The silent understanding
Of the language
From soul to soul.

Unconditionally, Just so pure
My hearth within yours
Meant to be sheared
For as long as love exist
In this journey Towards eternity
That’s called love.

TO LET GO.... - by Unknown Author

To let go doesn't mean to stop caring; It means I can't do it for someone else.

To let go is not to cut myself off...It's the realization that I can't control another...

To let go is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.

To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.

To let go is not to try and change or blame another, I can only change myself.

To let go is not to care for, but to care about.

To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.

To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.

To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own outcomes.

To let go is not to be protective, It is to permit another to face reality.

To let go is not to deny, but to accept.

To let go is not to nag, scold, or argue, but to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.

To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes and cherish the moment.

To let go is not to criticize and regulate anyone, but to try to become what I dream I can be.

To let go is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.

To let go is to fear less and love more

Saturday, March 08, 2008

From My Heart to Your Heart - by Jane Monica Tvedt

Between me and you there is an ocean of time and space, but within me and you we can reach out and touch one another faster than the shooting star. Time is boundless, time has no limits, and it has no border. Nothing can hold me away from reaching into you, not even thousand miles.

How wonderful to think about, because if I really want to, the only thing I have to do, is to think about you, and I will be there with you. In my thoughts, I will share the love, and I will send you some light from my hearth to your heart, and I know you can feel it.

The light of love is one of that precious ability we as humans have within us, all of us. Have you ever tried to send someone your love from your heart?

If you are worried for your loved ones, it could be someone you hold dear or your little pet. Within you, your thoughts could surround them in love and light, send them comforting thoughts, send them loving words silent spoken just within, a prayer from love and light all for the highest purest good, and be sure of that they will receive your love, because when you think about them, you are there with them right there and then. Just try?

Friday, March 07, 2008

The Five A's to Value Beauty in You as Well as Others - by Karenann Whelan

A concept I have used for years that has both impacted my life and paved way to changing altered negative states is applying this strategy called the 5 A's. Needless to say, I have worked it to perfection. It is based on how we treat ourselves and others daily. They act as daily guidelines to remind me to encourage myself and others in a positive way. Applying and incorporating this concept into your daily life will teach you how to value the beauty in you as well as others.

Today I CHALLENGE ALL OF YOU to attempt these 5 A's for a 7 full days -- at least as a start! Correspond here with your daily results, struggles, findings etc. and let this be the gateway to "BEING" the change we want to see and feel around us! We can learn things about ourselves and others through applying these daily 5'As, so challenge yourself as I challenge myself.

Attention: to ourselves and to others
Acceptance: to ourselves and to others
Appreciation: to ourselves and to others
Affection: to ourselves and to others
Allowing: to ourselves and to others

In order to fully receive others feelings and have them be comfortable with their emotions we must have all these aspects present in all our relationships and interactions daily, coming from us! NOT the other person, from us! How we choose to react will in turn transcend it self onto others. We must let go of our mindsets of ego, fear, control, attachment, judgments, complaints, contempt, blame or criticisms and stop feeling we have to prove ourselves to each other.

IF we have these mindsets, how could you possible let another into your life or how could they let you into their life, even if it is for a brief moment? How could we not want to change another or change who we are if we carry these mindsets? So let go of your egos, fears, complaints, alternative blame, bitterness!

REMEMBER soon as we throw in the factor of changing who we are or changing someone around us --none of us are just being with each other or being with us alone, we are now "pretending" to be us and to others! Intimacy with another means support given to us and to others for all the good and the bad we see or believe! In my experience soon as you try to prove the opposite of what someone feels you are or what someone else feels, you doubt yourself and who you are. Taking away the biggest lesson we need to learn, "owning who we are!" So I challenge you to stop doubting who you are!

-------HOW DO YOU APPLY THE 5 A's ------

1- Wake up each morning and go through the check-list of these 5 A's.

Look around you and find something for you to APPRECIATE in your life now, at this moment. Each day find a new appreciation and hang onto that "one" appreciation all day, use it as a source of something to lift you if you feel beaten for a even a moment! Telling yourself, it is okay because I have this at the end of the day to be proud of. Do not cloud your thoughts with more then "one" aspect to appreciate. You want to start with only this one aspect of appreciation.

2- Give yourself what you need today! Take ATTENTION for yourself this new, beautiful morning. For me it is simply to have vanilla cream to put in my coffee. This simple vanilla cream each morning sets the stage of not forgetting what it is I need to make me happy to start my day. So I give it myself!

3- Give yourself AFFECTION this morning. Remind yourself to do it throughout the day. Do not depend on others to give you affection, depend on yourself to make you feel good. Sometimes it is simply to stay in bed for an extra 5 minutes before I begin the hustle & bustle of my myself extra time and setting the terms for me to guide. Sometimes it giving myself something to make me feel good, like a manicure or buying a gift for me, from me! Just show yourself personal affection.

4- ACCEPT you are an amazing person as you carry yourself through the morning and no matter what happens today you are still amazing! Accept you have something to offer to each person today because you are an interesting person, because you are amazing regardless of what you have done in the past -- you are amazing today! Nothing can get in your way or bring you down because you ACCEPT you are amazing and nobody can take that away from you!

5- ALLOW yourself to be you today. Be free to show who you are and what you are feeling today. If you do not feel like putting on make-up then don't do it. If you do not feel like going to dinner with a friend because your tired then say it. Be all you are, the silly, the strange eccentricities that make you, you! Speak from your heart, for yourself speak your heart. This is the one aspect that allows you to be you. You can own in being you. Dress to impress you, not others! Just be you and do not be afraid to ALLOW yourself to be the person YOU want to be -- because you already know your an amazing person, for you ACCEPTED IT today already!

Sometimes when I wake up and I feel bland, unmotivated I put on a song that gives me energy to be me and let loose. I take those extra 5/10 minutes and dance around the house, sing on the top of my lungs...give myself the attention I NEED to make me fee good! Whenever I feel this lack of motivation again during my day, I sing the song in my head, remember this wonderful feeling I had this morning and let it travel through my being. I tell myself, its okay...days not over, let's start again with this good feeling renewed.


1- To apply the 5A's to people you meet you need to use them all together as one unique meaning. Attention, Appreciation, Acceptance, Affection and Allowing.

You need put aside judgment of others. You need to APPRECIATE people and ACCEPT them for who they are regardless of their own eccentricities, silliness, behaviors or styles. You need to ALLOW yourself to show ATTENTION to others -- even when it deems hard to do so. You need to show people AFFECTION regardless of what you feel inside or the bitterness you may feel at "any" given moment because your affection to them, will actually bounce back and give you the affection you need in return for your ACKNOWLEDGMENT. It becomes a dual reward!!!!

2- EVERY person you meet today, give them a smile and a compliment. Put aside what they look like, who they are in your life, superior or not. Put aside what you think they are, what their race is, their clothing is, there hair looks like, their verbal bark, their angry presentation, what age they are. A child bend down and ask them their name. And please REMEMBER to NOT care about what they think, because you ACCEPT you are an amazing person no matter what happens today!!!

****Each person you meet has a thought at the moment of interaction or presence. Sadly, normally it is a negative thought. You want to change that thought into something positive. You create the reflection, be the change you want around you!!!

A simple smile and a compliment together or separate will do this! Sometimes just being noticed by a person makes another feel good inside. A compliment will have them thinking of it all day long because you gave it to them, especially for they do not know you! If you often feel you are not noticed, make yourself noticed. Make people see and realize it does not matter who or what you look like...there is good underneath appearances and judgments. Give that to yourself because you deserve to give it to yourself! Give it to others as this will alter their mindset for a period of time and the next person they meet, they might just give them the smile or compliment they need. ****
Good luck on Challenging youself as I do today. Do it for 7 days, then extend it to another 7 days etc. Share your results, your situations and give everyone here the encouragment they need to follow through these 7 days.

TAKE A SHOWER - by Simon Ramaabya

Some few years ago I was attending a local university, the University of Botswana. Because I was living on campus, every evening I would go jogging to keep fresh and myself fit. There was a park behind the university and this was a perfect place for an evening jog.

As it sometimes happens in our lives, either triggered by an event or just comes from nowhere, it came at a time when I was just tired. I was tired of my faith, tired of studying, tired of my life and just tired of almost everything. Normally when in this state, we as human beings like finding more reasons to stay in this state, and wisdom tells me that this is the worst time to make any major decision. If you are used to praying it becomes difficult to pray, to read scriptures, life looks hopeless.

One winter day, this "hopeless" day came. On that day I did not even want to take a jog as usual. But late at night I just decided to go. It was dark and dangerous to do so. I started putting on my jogging gear with an "I don't care what happens" attitude. I jogged, and came back to the hostels, safe and sound, but still psychologically and spiritually empty. I went straight to the hostel bathrooms to take a shower. As if what I was going through that day was not enough, the water was very cold. "I don't care I will just shower" I concluded, and I jumped in.

The chilling water ran through my body; imagine the combination of cold body with mental vacuum. The more the water hit my body, sadness and despair accelerated. Suddenly, the temperature of the water started changing. It became lukewarm, and then warm and suddenly I had to turn on cold water to keep a reasonable bathing temperature.

Amazingly, as the water temperature changed, something started changing in me as well. There was hope where there was hopelessness, happiness and a sense of purpose was restored in me. The desperation, loneliness and all bad thoughts started disappearing as if they were flushed down the drain by the warm shower. I started singing! I learned right then in life that God can use anything to restore us to a place of freshness and purpose.

So if you going through a rough time; just know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just take a shower!


Simon Ramaabya from Botswana, Africa

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

LAW OF THE SEEDS - by Clara Lucia Revsbech

Take a look at an apple tree. There might be five hundred apples on the tree, but each apple has just ten seeds. That's a lot of seeds!

We might ask, "Why would you need so many seeds to grow just a few more apple trees?"

Nature has something to teach us here. It's telling us: "Not all seeds grow. In life, most seeds never grow. So if you really want to make something happen, you had better try more than once."

This might mean:

You'll attend twenty interviews to get one job. You'll interview forty people to find one good employee. You'll talk to fifty people to sell one house, one car, one vacuum cleaner, one insurance policy, or a business idea. And you might meet a hundred acquaintances just to find one special friend .

When we understand the "Law of the Seed", we don't get so disappointed. We stop feeling like victims. We learn how to deal with things that happen to us.

Laws of nature are not things to take personally. We just need to understand them - and work with them.


Successful people fail more often. But they plant more seeds.

When Things Are Beyond your control, here's something that you must NOT DO so as to be happy: You must not decide how you think the world SHOULD be. You must not make rules for how everyone SHOULD behave. Many times, such thoughts can bring you spiraling down into more unhappiness.

On the other hand, let's say you expect that:

Friends SHOULD return favours.
People SHOULD appreciate you.
Planes SHOULD arrive on time.
Everyone SHOULD be honest.
Your husband or best friend SHOULD remember your birthday.

These expectations may sound reasonable. But often, these things won't happen! So you end up frustrated and disappointed.

There's a better strategy. Demand less, and instead, have preferences! For things that are beyond your control, tell yourself:


You prefer that people are polite.. but when they are rude, it doesn't ruin your day.

You prefer sunshine.. but if it rains, it is ok too!

To become happier, we either need to:

a) Change the world, or
b) Change our thinking.

It is easier to change our Thinking!


It is not the problem that is the issue, but rather it is your attitude attending to the problem that is the problem. It's not what happens to you that determine your happiness but rather how you think about what happens to you!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Finding Your Dreams by Leaving Your Comfort Zone – by John Seeley

What do you desire that you don't have now? A new job? A new relationship? A new home? Make a list of all the things you want in every category you can think of. Everything you desire that you don't have is outside of your comfort zone. Do you want to release some weight or be in better shape? If you do, then you just got your answer on how to find everything else on your list. Einstein said, "To continue doing the same thing, expecting different results, is insanity." The implication is if you want different results, you have to do something different.

That is where most people stop. They either feel that they can't change, or they come up with reasons not to change. Either way, nothing new happens. Change is scary for many people. Men might not admit it, but it scares them too. Change usually represents the unknown. Fear of the unknown is a big cause of stuckness. If we can recognize the fear and push through it, we usually find that whatever we were afraid of isn't as bad as we thought. Sometimes it's not only pleasant but down right exciting!

Change happens instantly. Deciding to change usually takes time, sometimes years. The easiest way to change is the baby step process. Set your goal, but then break it down to very small and very doable tasks. Begin by choosing something you can definitely complete today. It could be as easy as looking up a phone number. You don't even have to place the call. Just look up the number. You may find that you will place the call, but the goal was only to look up the number. When you complete your small goal, you are retraining your subconscious mind to work with you. Since the majority of our lives are run by our subconscious mind, it's best to get it to align itself with our conscious mind.

Sometimes we don't want to choose for fear we might make a mistake. Not choosing is a choice. It's another way we stay stuck. Procrastination is putting off the inevitable, which usually makes it worse. Why not empower yourself by taking the time to evaluate your choices, choose the best one, and take action? If it's something that involves something unpleasant, why not get it out of the way, which allows the healing to begin to take place?

Sometimes it helps if you have support while going though your changes. So build a support team. Find people that will be supportive of the changes you want to make. Oftentimes the people closest to you are actually the ones that oppose you changing. So be careful who you choose. A professional has your best interest at heart. Whether a coach, a trainer, a therapist, or a friend or family member, be sure they know how you want to be supported. We each like support in our own way. Once you have a plan and a support system in place, dip your toe in the water outside your comfort zone and see what you find. Chances are you'll be pleasantly surprised.

About the Author:

John Seeley, MA is the author of "Get Unstuck! The Simple Guide to Restart Your Life." In this thought-provoking book, John is showing people the steps to take to get their lives moving and create the life they really want. For a limited time, John has partnered with a team of the finest in the personal growth movement who are each offering a valuable free gift when you order this life-changing book. These are people that have dedicated themselves to helping others achieve their highest potential in life. Order your copy today and receive your valuable gifts by going to

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Is the Truth Always True? - by Bruno Gideon

We are bombarded with information. It comes at us from all-day radio and TV news programs, daily newspapers, emails, podcasts, blogs, and, of course, that ever-expanding external brain, the Internet. The problem is that many of us believe everything we read and hear. Why is that a problem? Because most information is biased and much of it masks a selfish motive. Today, as never before, we need the courage to evaluate what's coming at us and to develop our own interpretation. If we don't do that, we risk falling into the trap of hearsay. And that will keep us from developing an outlook on the world that is right for us.

We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.
- Rabindranath Tagore

The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best
- and therefore never scrutinize or question.
- Jay Gould

Bruno's commentary

We should always ask ourselves, "Who will benefit from this?" You're having dinner out with some friends and the waiter suggests a special wine. Is it any coincidence that it's from the most expensive bottle on the list? Somebody wants you to invest, promising higher returns than anyone else in the finance industry. If the person is that good, he shouldn't need your money. "Lose 30 pounds in 30 days" sounds good, but it only serves to add weight to someone else's bank account. I like a statement made by Stanislaus of Poland in the 18th century: "To believe with certainty we must begin with doubting."

When somebody is trying to convince you of something, ask a few questions.