Friday, March 04, 2005

A Preacher without a Pulpit

- by Rev. Lucinda Schersing

On the day of rest people gather together to practice their beliefs. This usually consists of attending a place of worship and there, in front, is a person that stands and delivers a teaching or sermon.

This teaching or sermon is designed to inspire and motivate the congregation to hold the underlying thought or course of thought throughout the week, until the next day of worship. It is a roadmap to guide people through the everyday maze of daily life.

Sometimes, however, little teachings and sermons can appear outside of the place of worship. Those times when a person you happen to share an elevator with makes an observation; a snippet of overheard conversation; or a chance meeting of a complete stranger that gives one a chance to observe a situation from a different point of view or attain a more complete understanding of a situation that you had previously not understood fully.

Those moments with people that could be considered strangers are actually little moments of serendipity with people that "co-incidentally" happen in the midst of our oftentimes hectic and stressful lives…preachers without a pulpit.

Each day we are given the opportunity to have those unexpected, pleasant encounters from Source. It is up to us to recognize that opportunity, that Gift. It is an opportunity to see beneath the physical and listen with an open heart and mind.

Several such preachers without a pulpit come to mind. Teachers, family, friends, poets, authors, photographers and yes, even historical figures spring to mind. People that coincidence has placed in the right place at the right time, sharing words and thoughts in exactly the way that is required to clarify understanding.

There is no such thing as coincidence. Everything happens for a reason and is Divinely sent to assist us in understanding. Some will call these people "angels". However, I prefer to think of them as preachers without a pulpit.

About the author:

Rev. Lucinda Schersing is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master that believes wholeheartedly in the basic Precepts of Reiki and the many meanings of the phrase, "We Are All Related". You may read more of her articles by visiting her website

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