Monday, January 21, 2008

What Really Gets You Excited - By Joshua Stein

What really gets you excited? What would you do if you didn't have to work?

Why aren't you doing it now?

In all fairness, you may have obligations and you need your job etc. but why aren't you designing the lifestyle of your dreams so that in 5 or 10 years you WILL be able to do it?

It is interesting, we are so much better at what we love. That is when we can attain the flow state. That special feeling when time slows down and everything seems to go right. Pursue your passions and I promise that you will not only find this state but you will be more productive in all areas of your life and most importantly, you will be happier!

What turns you on?

Now go do it!

Live Victoriously,

Joshua Stein

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