Thursday, January 24, 2008

Money Is Only A Means - by Tom and Penelope Pauley

Most everyone obsesses about money. We all watch the stock market even if we don't own many stocks. We worry if the Real Estate market goes up or down, depending on whether we own real estate or want to buy it. We are overwhelmed with ads for all
kinds of financial experts who tell us to put the first 10% of our income away for ourselves first. One friend said, "I guess that's so I can pay the light bill next month." And of course we all think we pay the IRS way, way too much.

In the book "I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am." Tom and Penelope say, "Never, never never ask for money." How can that be if the world runs on money?

Well it doesn't. Money is our means of exchange. It isn't a cure for unhappiness or ill health or loneliness. We trade money for things. That's all. Sometimes you don't even need money.

In fact, with the Rich Dreams system you get what you ask for by MEANS over which you have no control.

Here's an example:

Shelly lives in Austin, Texas and was in the process of selling her house. She had a buyer, but the process had taken several strange twists. As a result Shelly was practically homeless. She put all her furniture into storage and moved her family into their travel trailer waiting for her house to close. That was two months ago.
They're over the travel trailer, but they need the house to sell to get the funds for a new place.

Using the Rich Dreams Success System she wrote the following parameters for her new home.

My new home is a two story house.
It is in a good neighborhood.
It is made of Austin stone.
There is a separate guest house for my son.
(He's 15.)
It has a beautiful view.
It is secluded.
It has lots of windows.
My new home has the proper energy for me to finish my novel.
It is easily paid for.
My house finds me.
I write many books in my house.

OK, now here's the part that may shock you to your core.

Four days after she wrote that list Shelly moved into that exact home.

WOW! Four days.

And listen to literally found her!

Without Shelly's knowledge a friend was talking to another friend who said, "Oh, I wonder if Shelly would move into my spare house. I'd feel much better if somebody was in it."

It is a secluded, two-story house in an upscale neighborhood, with a magnificent view, Austin stone, and one whole wall made entirely of glass. In back is a servants quarters for her son and now for the kicker...I couldn't believe this one.

The owner is a woman author who wrote two very successful books in that house. So Shelly will certainly have the right energy for writing books.

Plus...are you ready for this... not only is the house furnished, it does not cost her one red cent. It is totally FREE.

Shelly didn't need money. All she had to do was ask and be willing to receive.

What do you want? Use this system and you can have everything you want.

Good Luck and Great Adventures

Tom & Penelope

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