Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Developing Self-Belief - The 9 Step Process

– By Nick Best

To achieve any goal in life, you must believe you are going to be successful. If you do not, you are likely to fail. For each of your goals, in your heart of hearts, do you really believe you will achieve them? If the answer for any of them is no, the following 9 step process will help you to develop this belief and stride forward confidently toward achieving your goal.

1) Be confident that the end result is possible.

Perhaps someone else has already achieved this goal or perhaps they've achieved something similar. Alternatively, you might be clear in your own mind that it can be achieved.

2) Believe that the end result is possible by you.

We often hold limïting beliefs about our own ability to achieve goals. It is important to check out the beliefs that are limïting you, and take time to address these. Your aim is to feel that the goal is not just possible, but possible by you.

3) Really want the end result.

The more we want to achieve a goal, the bigger the hurdles we'll jump over to get there and in turn the greater the self-belief we will have. Choose a goal you really want, and seek to understand the underlying values achieving your goal will fulfill.

4) Believe that you deserve the end result.

Hidden under the surface in many people is a hidden belief that they do not deserve to succeed. When they try to take action this belief restricts them, they lose motivation, and fail. Remember that if you work consistently toward your goal, you deserve all the success you get.

5) Achieving your goal must not contradict any other beliefs or values you have

An entrepreneur might on one hand want to make a millïon, but also believe that people who have too much monëy are greedy. If achieving your goal is not consistent with your other beliefs and values, your subconscious mind will hinder your progress by creating doubts about whether you should achieve it. Understanding and dealing with any conflicting beliefs and values ensures you move toward your goal with your whole being supporting you.

6) Create a plan

Taking the time to research and create a plan enables you to clearly see how your goal will be achieved. The better the plan the more confidence you will have that the goal is achievable.

7) Believe that you can do each of the steps on the plan

End goals can often be so big and seem so far away that they become overwhelming. Achieving your goal simply means taking lots of small achievable steps. Being clear that you can do each of the steps on your plan means that you can also achieve your end goal.

8) Believe you will do the steps on the plan

Having a plan you can do does not necessarily mean you will do it. We often have other commitments and limïtations which this plan has to fit around. You must therefore consider the barriers which may prevent you from undertaking the steps on your plan, and work around these. You must then commit to following through with your plan no matter what.

9) Believe you are likely to achieve your goal

You should aim to believe there is more than an 80% chance that you will achieve your goal. Spending time visualising yourself achieving the end goal and addressing any final doubts you have, will enable you to take action with the conviction that you will be successful.

© 2001 Nick Best, Managementoflife.com

About the Author:

Nick Best is an author, speaker and personal development coach. If you would like more information on the 9 step self-belief process and how to make it work for you, e-mail him at nickbest@managementoflife.com, and he will send you the full text of the relevant chapter of his book "The Management Of Life." Other selected chapters of the book can be found on his website http://www.managementoflife.com

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