Wednesday, July 13, 2005

7 Ways to Ensure a Very Cool Day from Start to Finish

– By Dr. Drew Rozell

1) Set a Relaxed Tone.

Give yourself plenty of time and space in the morning. Avoid waking up, jumping in the shower, throwing on some clothes, and dumping coffee in your lap while weaving through traffic. If you begin your day burning adrenaline, you've set the tone for a stressful day where you're continually running late.

2) Move Your Body.

Exercising in the morning provides an energy boost and the warm comfort of relaxed muscles that lasts throughout the day. You need not do a full workout; even a few minutes stretching or walking around the block will make a big difference.

3) Underpromise.

Put a boundary in place to protect you from taking on situations that will cause you stress. Instead of saying yes to a request when your gut is screaming NO, say no. Underpromising means giving yourself a cushion for completing projects and making appointments to avoid the sub-standard work and stress that come with rushing around to meet a deadline.

4) Overdeliver.

Okay, nöw that you've underpromised, you have the opportunity to overdeliver -- to exceed expectations. For example, tell customers that you will have a project completed in three days and then deliver it in two days. Not only have you avoided the stress of a tight deadline, you've exceeded your client's expectations. As a result, you will feel more professional because you are acting more professional. When you feel better about yourself, you'll end up accomplishing more. Consistently.

5) Get away from your workspace for lunch.

This noon, remove yourself from your work area and eat slowly. Find a quiet spot, eat something light, and relax. You will return to your work re-energized and with a fresh perspective on your work.

6) Clean house.

Schedule 10 minutes before you leave each day to maintain your workspace. File things that need to be filed, delete unimportant e-mails, toss paperwork you don't absolutely need, and return phone calls you received that day. You will have completed your day and will have a friendly space to welcome you to work the next morning.

7) Have something to look forward to each evening.

Have something better to do with your evening than the default of zoning out in front of the TV or doing more work. Prepare a nice meal. Dust off your guitar or piano. Listen to some music. Talk with a friend. Take a class. Read a book. Join a club or league. Connect with your family. Learn something. Build a life.

Yes, I know this is a 'Top 7', but I figured this was an opportunity to overdeliver.

8) Sleep well.

Only 35% of adults sleep the recommended 8 hours or more per night during the 5-day workweek. It affects you more than you think. Turn off the TV, put your work away, and get the rest you need. Pleasant dreams!

About the Author:

Personal coach Dr. Drew Rozell holds you accountable for making the changes that allow you to live a very cool life. Meet him at

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