Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine Treasures - by Zmurod Moukadem

Valentine treasures are people who have often crossed your mind, family, friends and others, too, who in your life have shined the warmth of love or a spark of light that makes you remember them; no matter how long since you’ve actually met, each one is a luminous gem who gleams and glows in your memory, bringing special pleasures, and that’s why this Valentine comes to you: You’re one of those sparkling treasures! Just by Being You!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zmurod doesn't know a thing about Valentine Treasures because she is a sad soul that tries to interfere in people's life and try to brake marriages because she is a lonely, darranged soul herself that never succeded in any realtionship so she becomes a crazy soul and tries to break families that she never had and will never will have