Thursday, June 09, 2005


- By Bruno Gideon

We stand in awe before a massive oak tree, amazed that it could grow to such a magnitude from a tiny, unimpressive acorn, just one out of a million that all had a chance to grow. This one succeeded because the little seedling had patience and stamina – and a bit of luck. That sounds familiar, doesn’t it? We, too, were once small and inconspicuous. We would not be where we are today without the assistance of this same triumvirate of qualities.

The tallest oak tree once was an acorn that any pig could have swallowed.
– Arthur Schopenhauer

He plants trees to benefit another generation.
– Caesilius Statiu

Growth is the only evidence of life.
– John Henry Newman

A bit of luck? But isn’t that out of our control? Not totally. As the saying goes, “You have to be good to be lucky.” I’ve seen this truth many, many times. “Oak people” set up a harmonious atmosphere by repaying the kindness of others, letting someone older step in front of them, giving priority to the car next to them, extending a hand to someone in need, showing the ropes to a new colleague, and saying "thank you" when it is least expected.

An attitude like this will spread your branches wide. I guarantee it.

- Bruno Gideon

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