Saturday, May 31, 2008

The World and the Animals - By Cara Leanne Hughes

We are all living on this World. All the plants, trees, animals, water, and humans are all part of it.

We, alone, create our World. When we are experiencing negative emotions such as Anger, Sadness or even Fear, the World around us also appears negative. Yet when we are happy and peaceful, the World appears to be a wonderful place. If you love the World then you should love everything in it.

If you do, why is it in the Summer everyone gets the Ant Killer out and put it on the path? Ants are Animals, right? They live in the Garden. You wouldn't get a powder out and start feeding your children with it.

I was just meditating on the path in our beautiful garden, listening to the birds singing, the warmth of the sun, the smell of freshly cut grass and experiencing deep relaxation when an Ant crawled up my arm.

What's your the instinct response? Flick it off? Stamp on it? Have you ever actually sat and watched them? I let him crawl over my hands and arms.

I just felt pure bliss watching him. I had this sudden emotion of compassion and love.

Why can't we all do that? Accept everyone and everything as they truly are? When I see creatures such as Spiders or Ants I see them as a Spiritual Guide. I imagine them to be my own Mother or Father. I develop love and compassion towards them. They are an opportunity to help us develop our Spiritual faith and Inner Peace.

If we love the Insects, we love the plants, and the trees, and others around us. We create a positive environment. Our World. Our Universe.

It is all in the Mind. Ripple Out Love and Compassion, my dear friends.

- By Cara Leanne Hughes

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