Thursday, October 13, 2005

Get In Balance

- By Bruno Gideon

Your life can only be in balance when giving and receiving are in balance. Every interpersonal relationship is built on this fact of life. He who always gives acts against this principle just as much as he who only takes. This basic truth is valid without exception everywhere where people deal with people.

Think once, before you give, twice before you take
and a thousand times before you ask for something.
– Marie of Ebner-Eschenbach

The heart and hand of those who always mete out
become callous from always meting out.
– Friedrich Nietzsche

Do you feel isolated – cut off from others? Practice giving to those around you, whether family, friends, or strangers, and you will begin to feel connected to your community. Or do you feel cut off from yourself, because you’re always giving to others? Start accepting it when others give to you. A relationship can only achieve a higher quality when there is a healthy balance between giving and taking.

Is today the day when you should make that phone call? Send a birthday card? Make someone feel good?

- Bruno Gideon

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