Animals As Healers
All pet owners have had, at one time or another, an experience in which their pet, whether golden retriever, kitten, horse, or iguana, recognized their suffering and offered comfort. Animals, both wild and domesticated, have the ability to sense changes in the body and mind and can positively influence humans in many ways. They can inspire playful thoughts in those discouraged and remind us of the need to nurture both ourselves and others. They can even affect profound physical changes in humans, by lowering our blood pressure and reducing stress. The gentle purring of a cat or a friendly nuzzle from a warm lizard can be a form of healing, and all animals, even those in the wild, are natural healers.
A house pet can tell you many things, if you observe. Your pet will choose to sleep in the places in your home that have the best energy and, when you're ill, may concentrate its attention on the area of your body that needs healing. Stroking soft fur, a smooth, scaly back, or downy feathers can enhance memory, shorten recovery time after an injury, help curb depression, open lines of communication, and even increase a person's chance of survival after a heart attack. For many years, schools, nursing homes, and even prisons have let their charges visit with specially trained animals periodically because a visit with a pet both calms and cheers people. With the elderly, the love of an animal can heighten cognitive ability, movement, and quality of life. Wild animals, too, have their own healing powers. The antics of a silly squirrel can lift the spirits while the industrious ant is an inspiration. A chance encounter with a dolphin or manatee can be life changing.
In mythology, the centaur was the keeper of the art of healing and the Egyptian god Anubis was the healer of the gods. It is not surprising that so many people keep pets or enjoy watching animals in nature. Animals transform us and their unique and beautiful modes of healing are as natural as they are.
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