Sunday, January 20, 2008

5 Steps To Live Each Day With a Smile - by Cole Carson

Let’s face it, most of us in life don’t get up out of bed every morning and go to work or the business with a grin on our face and every hair in perfect place. – No, it’s actually probably much more common to sleep in, stumble out of bed, forget the deodorant and end up looking more like Frankenstein’s red-headed step child. Needless to say, most of us don’t go to work for the sheer excitement and fun of our “job”.

But did you know that just looking at things from a happier perspective is not only a great way to have a calmer, more enjoyable life, but it’s also great for lowering stress levels and reducing your risk for major stress-induced health problems as well? Well here are five great ways to take the step toward doing what you love, and loving what you do.

1. Every morning, take a good look around you and find something that makes you smile. Maybe it’s a bit chilly out and that nice, hot shower feels wonderful and clean. Or maybe it’s raining, and the sound of the storm sounds refreshing and beautiful. There’s nothing prettier than warm, golden morning sun and who doesn’t love the smell of fresh coffee? There are many wonderful things about morning that often go unnoticed, so make sure to look around and take note of something happy, no matter how small.

2. Spend a little bit of time each day doing something you enjoy, something just for yourself. Reading a chapter of that great book you haven’t found time to read, or indulging in a piece of your favorite candy. Taking a little time out just to acknowledge yourself is something few people do, yet it can really boost your mood.

3. Write down on a sheet of paper all the things that you are thankful for. Take each “Thank you” note and cut them into little strips. Fold each strip up and place it in a big jar upon your desk or workspace. Decorating your jar can add to the personal touch and be quite fun as well! Wrapping wire and beads around it is a cheap and lovely way to spruce it up. But you can also leave it plain if you prefer. Each day pull one of the pieces of paper out of the jar and read it, so that you are reminded each day of something that you have to be thankful for. You can keep adding to the jar as you think of more things.

4. Ignore the “naggers” and “what ifs”. These are the pointless little worries and fears that arise from the back of your mind and do nothing more than ruin your mood. Make sure to confront each one individually and come up with a specific reason that you don’t have to worry about it. Example: “What if I don’t get the promotion?” The first question you have to ask yourself is “Have I done my best to get this promotion?” If the answer is yes, this means that there is nothing more than you can do, and take solace in the fact that is out of your control by letting go. If the answer is no, reevaluate what you still can do.

5. Set yourself one small goal to accomplish each day. These little goals are simple, yet effective, as they ad up quickly and instill a sense of real pride and accomplishment. They can be anything from walking up the stairs instead of riding the elevator, taking on something you’ve been procrastinating to do in the business, working for 5 extra minutes. Nothing creates confidence like getting things done.

Being happy, being successful, all starts with a mindset. Get in the mindset of success, the mindset of gratefulness, and there is nothing you can’t accomplish.

Author Resource:-> Cole Carson is a successful entrepreneur and internet marketer.

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