Tuesday, January 17, 2006

7 Ways to Start Your Day with More Energy

– By Jon Gordon

Did you know that researchers can predict what your energy will be like in the afternoon and evening by knowing your habits in the morning? This is because how you start the day is so powerful in determining the kind of day you are going to have. Just think about your start to the day. Do you wake up tired or refreshed? Do you get enough sleep? Do you feel stressed, scattered and negative, or calm, focused and optimistic? Do you eat protein and fiber for breakfast, or do you consider a Krispy Kreme donut the breakfast of champions? I hear it all the time. People are overstressed, overtired and overworked. They are desperately searching for energy. That's why Starbucks did over $5 billion in säles last year.

Well, if you've been reading my newsletters, you know I believe there is a better way. Energy drinks are like the energy mafia. Too much coffee takes you on an energy roller coaster ride that isn't any fun. Stimulants, pills, energy gels and high sugar food only provide a quick fix. There is a better way, and having coached thousands of people, I know it works. The power and energy to improve your life starts with your morning habits.

As I traveled the country doing seminars and talking to many of you over the phöne or via email, it became crystal clear that we need practical tools and a practical plan to start our day with more energy. So many of you were screaming HELP! So hëre are some tips to answer your SOS calls.

Action Steps:

1. Don't hit the dreaded snooze button. Give yourself time to engage in an energizing morning. Instead of stressing all morning, you'll have time to fuel up with energizing habits.

2. Eat a breakfast (Mom's been telling us this for years) high in protein and fiber. Eggs are great. Fruit and oatmeal are wonderful. Even whole grain toast with almond butter will kick-start your metabolism and sustain your energy.

3. Practice gratitude. When you are thankful you can't be stressed.

4. Do 10-15 minutes of walking, jumping rope, yoga, etc. each morning. It doesn't sound like much but it will make a huge difference. I just heard from an attorney who took my advice and started doing this each morning, and it has changed his entire day and enhanced his performänce.

5. Take energizing breaths throughout the morning. Inhale for 3-4 seconds and exhale for 3-4 seconds.

6. Drink a cup of water when you first wake up to replenish the water you lost throughout the night. With each sleeping breath, you losë water.

7. Go to bed earlier and get more sleep. How you start the day actually starts at bedtime. Everything and I mean everything in your life improves when you get more sleep.

Sending Positive Energy Your Way,

- Jon

About the Author:

Jon Gordon is known as America’s # 1 Energy Coach. He is the best-selling author of several books, including his newest release, "The 10-Minute Energy Solution." Learn more about Jon, his books and his frëe weekly energy tip newsletter at http://www.JonGordon.com

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