Jin Shin Jyutsu
We all engage in the ancient Japanese healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, most probably without even realizing it. Placing fingers to the forehead in concentration, cradling an injured body part, a baby sucking her thumb, such reflexes make use of the concepts of Jin Shin Jyutsu to restore harmony to the body from imbalances due to stress, injury, or illness.
Like most Asian healing modalities, Jin Shin Jyutsu works to harmonize, not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well. The healing art works to bring into balance the twenty-six "safety energy locks" that run through the energy pathway down center of the front of the body and back up the spine. Reading pulses throughout the body, a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner is able to restore balance to the body by unblocking points of stagnant energy. Jin Shin Jyutsu can also be self administered, allowing one to recognize the wisdom of the body and what it needs to heal itself.
The Main Central Vertical Flow is the source of our life energy. Harmonizing the flow regularly helps us feel centered and energized or relaxed, depending on what our body needs. Jin Shin Jyutsu works like "jumper cables" to recharge the "battery of life." For optimum results, do the following exercise daily.
Place the fingers of your right hand on top of your head. Place the fingers of your left hand on your forehead, between the eyebrows, and hold them there for two to five minutes or until the pulses at your fingertips synchronize. Move the fingers on your left hand to the tip of your nose and again hold for two to five minutes or until the pulses synchronize. Next, move the fingers of your left hand to your sternum at the center of your chest and then to the base of your sternum, the center where the ribs start, above your stomach. Stay at each point for two to five minutes or until the pulses synchronize. Move the fingers of the left hand to the top of the pubic bone and again stay there for two to five minutes or until the pulses synchronize. Now, keep your left fingers in place and move your right hand to cover your tailbone, holding for two to five minutes until your fingertips synchronize.
Self healing opens the door to self knowledge. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a simple practice that can be done in a matter of minutes leading to a life time of healing.
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