Keeping A Routine
So much of life is chaotic. Everyday, each of us is assailed by unexpected situations and unpredictable people, both of which can cause stress and fatigue. One way to battle the chaos and lessen the effect of those things which you cannot control is to design and follow a routine that is unique and based on your needs. A routine need not encompass your major responsibilities, though it can. Rather, it includes the minor but important daily activities that are vital to good mental and physical health, and give you a context from which to view the world. It becomes easier to deal with spontaneous changes and upsets if you know that at a certain time, you will be doing something specific.
Creating and keeping a routine may seem like a struggle at first but will become easier as time passes and you become accustomed to your schedule. It may be helpful to begin by breaking down your daily activities and separating those activities you need to do from those you want to do. Sometimes starting a morning routine is easiest because many people engage in the same activities when they wake. Instead of rushing around, try to budget your time. Spend two minutes brushing your teeth before stretching for ten minutes and then take your shower. Budgeting your time will allow you more freedom to do the things that make you feel centered and energized throughout the day. The same tactic can be applied to the rest of your day. You may feel more comfortable with your new routine if you acknowledge your necessary activities in positive ways. Rather than labeling certain parts of your day as chores, focus on the fact that getting those duties accomplished frees up time for you to enjoy more personally fulfilling activities.
If you find your routine is not working, you may want to be more flexible or reassess your schedule. With a practiced routine, not only will life run smoothly, but there will also be more chances to give yourself the gift of joyful and peaceful moments throughout your day. It's one way to take control of your time and to ensure that you are spending at least part of every day in a calm, collected, and beneficial way.
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