First Days Of Spring
Tender, green shoots break through the earth and tiny buds suddenly appear on naked branches. Mountain snows melt to feed streams and creeks with their life force. Lambs, piglets, calves, bunnies, chicks, ducklings and so many more babes are born at this time of year. And for one day there is a perfect balance of daylight and darkness. It is during the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring when life begins anew.
The air itself seems new this time of year. Washed by spring rains, the palate is cleaned to be filled with the fragrance of new blossoms, fresh water, and pungent soil. Even the sun leaves its scent on clothes hung outside, dried by warm, brisk winds. Like ponies that shed their winter coats, we too begin to peel off the layers that kept us insulated through the winter months. It is now time to bring dreams out of hibernation. We have winter to thank for the insights gained during long, dark nights of introspection. Seeds planted then, give life to thoughts, ideas, wishes, desires, and new goals.
Nature adorns herself in unabashed glory at this time of year. She pulls out every color in her wardrobe from the brightest yellow to the softest pink, throwing in orange, blue, lavender and every shade of green she owns. Spring offers us the opportunity to shed our inhibitions, to be more bold and open to what life has to offer. Put on a bright, colorful smile and charm the world like the newborns, we are young again, no matter our age. Our heart wants to sing, our soul to dance, and our mind to run wild.
The world awakens in Spring and awakens our spirit of renewal, because Spring is the promise that life not only goes on, but that it begins over and over. Seeds become plants and flowers, animals give birth to their young, even the barren desert blossoms with wild flowers. Spring is a time to reinvent ourselves. We can give birth to a new life for ourselves and start fresh. All a tiny seed needs to sprout is soil, sun, and rain. All we need is a willing heart. During these first days of Spring, know that you are in perfect balance and give yourself the nutrients to not only grow, but to blossom in all your glory.
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