Mourning The Loss Of An Animal Friend
Animals are amazing. Our pets, whether dogs, cats, lizards, or birds, give us constant companionship, unconditional love, and acceptance without stipulation. They alleviate loneliness and even have the ability to positively affect our health. Because they touch our hearts, when a pet becomes ill or passes on, it is often as traumatic as the sickness or loss of a family member. And when the unique bond shared by guardian and pet is no longer there, there is an emptiness in the soul that needs to be coped with. Rituals can not only encourage us to constructively deal with loss, but can also ease an ill pet's pain and ease their transition into the spirit world.
Pets cannot voice their suffering, but it isn't difficult to see when they are in pain or no longer enjoying life. Healing touch can induce deep relaxation and pain relief in an animal while easing stress. To begin, rub aromatic oil into the palms of your hands then rub your hands together until you've generated a bundle of healing energy. Place your hands on your pet and stroke its fur, giving it the healing energy you collected. Concentrate on specific areas of illness and visualize strength pouring from your hands into your pet. Healing sessions can be similarly beneficial and most animals readily accept this gentle treatment. If your pet's condition is terminal, a healing touch or reiki session is a good time to talk to your pet about the loneliness you will feel when they are gone as well as the relief that their suffering will be over.
Though society may discourage mourning for pets, the capacity to love an animal brings with it the necessity of a period of grieving. A remembrance such as a photo or special annual plant can bring comfort. If you find yourself unable to let go, you may want to make a candle altar and perform a ceremony of transition. The altar should include four candles and an item that acts as a symbol of your pet. As you light each candle, visualize your pet leaving your side and being taken to the world of spirits. After you've lit the last candle, pick up the symbolic item and bid farewell to your pet. Let the candles burn themselves out and bury the item in a special place.
It may also be helpful to hold a small funeral with friends and family. Though grieving the loss of a cherished pet can take time, rituals can help ease the most important part of dealing with the loss, which is settling your mind and heart and accepting that, in passing, every pet finds its true home.
Dedicated to Kramer, 1994-2005
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