Shadow Emotions
Within each of us lives a subtle darkness. Often it is something we fear, for from it comes the emotions we perceive as negative: resentment, guilt, anger, greed, denial, and mistrust. These shadow emotions remain hidden, held apart from the self-image, and so seem to manifest themselves unexpectedly, leaving behind feelings of shame and unresolved struggle. But as the light cannot exist without the contrasting darkness, shadow emotions are part of the miracle of existence and self-awareness. Psychologist Carl Jung asserted that negative feelings are a vital part of psychological well-being and cannot be repressed without stifling creativity, joy, and wisdom.
The shadow emotions exist to balance the emotions of light, but also can teach you a great deal. Repression of your darker side numbs the mind and prevents you from experiencing the full range of life's offerings because shadow emotions are an integral part of passion, excitement, and the intensity of the heart. Avoiding them simply causes emotional explosions, harsh self-criticism, confusion, and limits to what you believe you can accomplish. Each person is dual-natured, but in denying the shadow, it becomes a stranger and something to be intolerant of. Thus, it can be hard to access, but it can be found by giving it a voice and acknowledging that voice without fear in a journal or by benignly stimulating the darker emotions with thrilling novels or films. In doing so, you may find yourself better able to contemplate courses of action that had previously seemed impossible.
Your shadow emotions open new doors. When you have tapped into it and no longer fear it, your ability to understand and accept the shadow emotions of others will emerge. Jung believed that we meet the shadow side when experiencing a difficult period and so many people try to avoid it. But, like a mist allowed to expand, acknowledged shadow emotions dissipate into clarity, giving way to true acceptance of ourselves and others.
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