Honoring Your Body
Our physical body is an amazing, beautiful machine with the ability to perform incredible feats, heal itself, and serve us well into our later years. When we honor our body, we honor that which created us. We honor the divine. Therefore, it's important to appreciate, nurture, and respect our bodies.
Honor your body by thanking it for it all its does for you. No matter what shape your body is in, it has served you well for many years. Even if you'd rather be thinner, more muscular, or even taller, be grateful for the body you have. Everyday, give yourself a pat on the back that you can walk, talk, laugh, dance, sing, all the things that you might take for granted.
Give your body the best in terms of food, exercise, and care. Choosing to eat wholesome, healthy foods, even if they cost a little more because they're organic, is a good investment for long-term health. If supplements are helpful, include them in your diet. Your body needs the proper fuel to function well and deserves the best nutrients that you can afford.
Exercise daily. Your body wants and needs to move. Just thirty minutes a day of walking can be beneficial. Likewise, if you exercise regularly, be sure not to overdo it so that you don't stress joints and ligaments. Allow any injuries to fully heal and give your body the rest it needs by getting enough sleep.
Treat your body with relaxing baths, facials, massages, and proper medical care. Practice good hygiene and see a doctor and dentist regularly. Meditate to allow your body to de-stress and rejuvenate. A healthy body includes a sharp mind; so continue to challenge your mind with new experiences.
Your body will tell you what it needs if you just listen. At times, your mind and emotions may be confused, but your body doesn't lie. Pay attention to what feels good and bad and how your body reacts to certain situations and people. Generally when your body feels light, things are right. When you feel tense and uneasy, there's a reason.
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