Bathing And Cleansing Rituals
Cleanliness may be next to godliness, but bathing is about so much more than cleansing. Our connection with water is therapeutic and spiritual. In our fast-paced, busy, modern world a quick shower is often the preferred method of cleansing. Yet, many cultures still celebrate and honor the vital life force of water with rituals of cleansing. Communal bathing is a common social custom in many parts of world, from the public bath houses of Japan to ritual outdoor cleansing in lakes and rivers in India. Communal bathing offers a time for bonding. Cleansed and relaxed, freed from the restrictions of clothing, bathing together allows for open interactions. Which may attest to the popularity of "soaks" in natural hot springs everywhere.
Water plays an important role in many spiritual practices. Symbolically it cleanses the soul, as in baptism, whether the ceremony involves a mere sprinkling or a full immersion in water. The mikveh marks the end of a Jewish woman's menstrual cycle with a gathering at a place of "living waters," a natural body of water such as the ocean, a stream, a cistern of rainwater or a modern pool combined with tap water. In many cultures, water is so sacred that it is the focus of holidays. The Burmese New Year is celebrated with a water festival in which everyone pours water on each other to wash off the misdeeds of the past.
We can all engage in rituals of cleansing, whatever our culture and/or spiritual beliefs. Prepare your bathroom with scented candles or incense, natural soap and oils. A scrub of sea salt and honey or dry brushing exfoliates the skin and a preliminary wash will leave you clean and ready for a long soak in relaxing warm water. Try to let go of all thoughts while bathing, focusing on the cleansing you engage in and the sensation of the water. Bless your bath, bless yourself. At the end of your bath, pour clean, clear water over your head or shoulders and imagine you are washing away your fears and difficulties. You are now clean, mind body and spirit ready to begin anew.
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