Examining Priorities
There are many sources of strife that are intertwined with simply existing in the modern world today. We feel burdened with too many physical possessions or deprived without them, and there are so many reasons to worry. Following are some exercises you can try to help bring clarification into your life regarding what is really important to you.
Ask yourself what you would take with you if you were informed that you had five minutes to leave your home. At that moment, it is likely that what seemed tremendously important just moments before - the bills, a broken appliance, or the laundry pile - would be flushed from your mind. Many people would rush to grab a treasured photo album, a favorite ring, or a journal. Who would you want by your side? Family? Loved ones? A pet? Your answer to these questions are a window into what is important to you and what and who you should focus on. Maybe doing the laundry can wait while you call a friend or spend some time doing something you really enjoy.
Now ask yourself what would be important to you if you found yourself taking your last breaths. Would you worry more about unwritten reports or an unsaid "I love you"? What would you rush to accomplish and what loose ends would you tie up? There might be a dream you'd lament never having chased or someone you wished you'd forgiven. Your answers to this question can help you determine how you truly wish to be spending your time on this earth. You might consider tying up that loose end or following your soul's purpose now, rather than later.
Choosing to change your life, to embrace new priorities of your own design, even on a small scale, can be the most rewarding thing you'll ever do. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Rather, they are a means to help you better understand how you can lead the life most fulfilling to you.
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