Balancing Geopathic Zones
Just as acupuncture can restore balance to our human bodies, earth acupuncture can be used to neutralize negative energy in the earth known as "geopathic zones." Landfill sites, construction, burial grounds, even a felled tree can all cause "geopathic stress" and, as our own energy constantly interact with the energy of earth's (and all of the universe's), we can be affected by imbalances in our environment.
While we can verbalize our aches and pains to our acupuncturist, the earth has other ways of communicating its ills. A garden that won't flourish no matter how much care and nurturing it is given, may be trying to tell its gardener that there is an imbalance well below its surface. Subterranean running water, mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities can all be sources of geopathic stress. Natural disasters often occur in geopathic zones, animals will avoid such areas, and people living where there is negative energy may become ill.
Ancient people understood the importance of balancing earth energies and showing gratitude to Mother Earth by constructing medicine wheels, sacred stone sculptures, and statues. The architecture of pagodas, temples, and cathedrals are in reverence to universal energy and many of these grand structures serve as healing sites for geopathic zones.
To find and neutralize areas under stress, divining tools, just as those used to dowse for water on open land, can be used to find underground energy disturbances. There are professional dowsers, but anyone can learn to use a pendulum, L-rods, or any other dowsing tool. Once these geopathic zones are found, there is more than one way to neutralize the area. In open land or a garden, copper wire may be inserted to relive stress.
In your own yard, plant trees to bring the energy of the heavens to earth, decorate your garden with statues and stepping stones. Hang wind chimes and/or crystals in trees to encourage good energy flow throughout your garden and into your house. You can even build an altar or shrine in your garden where you can place offerings of flowers, shells, or other gifts of nature in gratitude to Mother Earth.
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