Putting Your Best Foot Forward
It's said that first impressions take less than a minute to form. Every day, whether we are conscious of it or not, we leave almost indelible suggestions of ourselves in the minds of others. These suggestions are based on a multitude of factors and help others form opinions on our level of organization, our stamina, our self-respect, and our respect for others. Most people want to be seen in a positive light and one way to ensure this is to put your best foot forward. Your style can speak volumes, representing your strengths, and can demonstrate that you know and are comfortable with yourself. Putting your best foot forward isn't about luxury cosmetics, an expensive hairdo, or the "right" clothing. The key is to be both confident in spirit and polished in manner and dress.
During both first impressions and later rendezvous, others consciously and unconsciously attribute meaning to the image you present. One can look stunning and put-together in a pair of jeans with attention to detail or flat in a flashy suit if hastily put on. Though it may seem superfluous or even shallow, spending a few extra moments each morning to sculpt a unique hairstyle, shave cleanly, or file a jagged fingernail, it will show the world you care about yourself and that you have an eye for detail. The more polished you look on the outside, the more confident you will feel on the inside, and it is a positive cycle: People with good self-esteem inevitably take better care of themselves. Taking time to focus on yourself before facing the world also benefits the soul. As you enjoy your morning routine, you will have time to reflect on the coming day and to focus on being the best you can be.
Putting your best foot forward is not about fitting into an image, embracing the latest fashions, or making yourself into something you're not. Your idea of what constitutes a finishing touch will be different from that of your friends and family. But, in the simple act of going a step further in your presentation of yourself, you will be able to demonstrate your respect for others and yourself, your attention to detail, your ability to organize and coordinate, your uniqueness, and your love of yourself.
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