Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Question of Courage - by Bruno Gideon

It was my good friend Vicky on the other end of the line. "I heard about your birthday party next week," she said. "I just wanted to let you know I'm free that evening." The moment she began talking, I realized that I had forgotten to invite her. I apologized, assuring her that she was most welcome to attend. Hanging up the phone, I was mortified by my mistake. But I was impressed with Vicky's reaction. Would I have had the courage to make such a call?

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment
that something else is more important than fear.
- Ambrose Redmoon

We should not let our fear hold us back from pursuing our hopes.
- John F. Kennedy

Bruno's commentary

I probably would have asked myself endlessly why I wasn't invited, building up resentment over being left out. I would have been hurt, failing to realize that such situations are common in today's hurry-up, high-tech days. Emails get lost in cyberspace and voicemail messages accidentally get erased. It's much better to be like Vicky and approach these situations head-on but nicely. It keeps negativity out of life. But what if the call reveals that the lack of communication was intentional? That would open the door for further clarification about the relationship ... and isn't that a good thing, too?

Is something bothering you? Make that phone call now and clarify the situation.

About the author:

"Bruno's Minutes" are presently enjoyed by over 50,000 readers in 26 countries. What started as an experiment in 2001 quickly grew to this phenomenal number, mostly by word of mouth. Please forward this issue to those you care about and invite them to join. You can do so here and I would love to welcome your friends.

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