Listening To Intuition
Decisions that you may not be satisfied with can lead you to ask yourself how could I have made one choice, when my gut feeling pointed to the other. Because we can look to the past and imagine the future with clarity, there exists a tendency to mull over even minor choices and to over-analyze people and situations. But when we choose to put aside reasoning processes for just a moment, insights may be revealed. Listening to your intuitive mind allows you to access a natural cache of wisdom within. You may find that in "trusting your gut," your innate sense of what is right and wrong will become both strong and reliable.
Intuitive or gut-level reactions may seem less credible than decisions based on logic or carefully weighed facts because intuition is perceived by most as a less intelligent way of coming to conclusions. Every person is naturally intuitive, even if you have not learned to tap into it. You may also discount your gut feelings, even when they turn out to be right, because you may be afraid of what others will say.
To get in touch with your intuition, first pay attention to sudden perceptions and feelings, even if nothing more than a prickling of the hairs on the back of your neck. Acknowledge it and let go of your fear of being wrong. Trust your inner voice. Keep track of these instances in a journal and, regardless of your decision in each case, decide whether your intuitive feeling was correct. If you already have strong gut feelings, practice acting on those feelings without fear. Don't let doubt keep you from embracing them.
There is no substitute for being prepared, and knowing that you can comfortably trust in your gut feelings can be a vital part of preparedness. With it as a tool in your life, it is possible to consider every situation or dilemma in a unique, insightful, and personal way.
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